New LEAKED Trailers for Persona 5! NEW RARE Never Before Seen! New Footage. UPDATE.

UPDATE: another trailer was revealed at Tokyo Game Show, along with news that the game has been delayed until Summer 2016. Read more and watch the newest trailer in my new blog post over here.

My original post with footage released on Jun 30, 2015 is below:

Youtube has been buzzing all week with NEW leaked gameplay footage and new TRAILERS for Atlus’ upcoming rpg, Persona 5. Atlus disapointed fans at this year’s E3 by showing the same trailer they had already released. Now it seems some perhaps intentional leaks are coming in to help promote their cult classic RPG franchise. The game will be available this fall on both PS3 and PS4. i’m a huge Persona fangirl, and this title is a must-own in my opinion. I’m dying to find out what variations, if any, will exist between the PS3 and PS4 versions. Maybe it’s time for me to buy a PS4 for this game although I already have a PS3. read more

Indie Gala Every Monday Bundle 66: Start Your Week In Japan – a Great Bundle for Visual Novel Fans

I just got an email from Indie Gala about their Every Monday Bundle. And I jumped on it. It included the following games for just $1.99!

Eden* I already have Eden* and it’s a great kinetic novel. What’s a kinetic novel? It might as well be a digital comic book, because all you do is read and look at images. It is NOT a visual novel because it does not have ANY choices or decisions for the player to make. ALL you do is read, and click, and read, and click. So if this turns you off, be warned. I bought it when it first came out assuming it had a branching plot IE I thought it was a visual novel, however IT DOES NOT. SO KEEP THAT IN MIND! It’s still a really really emotionally moving story, with some gorgeous artwork. read more

Dragon Age (Franchise) Review


Title: Dragon Age (Note this is a broad review for the series as a whole, not necessarily for each individual game)
Genre: Action-RPG
Publisher: Bioware
Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Xbox One
Where to Purchase: Amazon

Overall: 77/100 77% C+ Good Game For Girls



Concept: 10/10 Dragon Age is one of my favorite “Western” RPG series. It was one of the first western-developed RPGs to feature a branching plot, where decisions you make impact the storyline in a meaningful way. It also had some dating sim type elements and allowed for gender neutral relationships. You could date anyone of any sex, species, race, etc. read more

10 Kdrama that will make you cry

Although the title of this post is “kdrama that will make you cry”, this list actually includes other forms of Asian drama such as films from Japan and Taiwan. All of them are sad and guaranteed to bring on the water works. If you’re in the mood for a good Tearjerker tonight, check out our Top 10 Kdrama that Will Make You Cry.

10.) Fated to Love You – Taiwanese Version

This is the original televised version of the series, based on the comic book of the same name. The plot follows closely to the comic, beginning with a case of mistaken identity which finds the two main characters (Chen Xin Yi and Ji Cun Xi) sleeping together resulting in an unplanned pregnancy. The male lead is being pressured by his family to produce an heir for his company, and so the two strike a bargain in which Xin Yi will live there for 9 months (the duration of her pregnancy) and then sign over rights to the child to Cun Xi and leave the picture completely. read more

We’re on Patreon

Just a quick little note to let you know that we’ve joined Patreon which allows readers, like you, to support bloggers that they love, with a small recurring donation, you’re free to cancel at any time, and set up how much you want to spend, as little as $1 a month.

So that this doesn’t seem like I’m begging for money, I’ll keep this short and sweet. If you like what you see here, but would like to see additional content such as live streams, lets plays, and vlogs (video blogs), then head over to our patreon page at to show your support! read more

Sony PS4 Ultimate Player Edition with 1TB Harddrive Is Coming Soon

The PS4 Ultimate Player Edition brings with it the following improvements to the system’s hardware:

8% power savings
10% lighter weight
And most excitingly, a 1TB Harddrive.

In an unprecedented move, Sony announced the console will be heading to Europe first with a release date of July 15th, and gave no word on when or if a US release will happen.

Many news outlets suspect that Sony may delay the release of the Ultimate Player Edition within the US to deplete their inventory of existing PS4 units already on the shelves. read more

Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Phone Review

One of my most popular blog posts is my Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Phone Preview. Which you can read here. However this was written well before I actually purchased the phone. And my opinion, enthusiasm, and love for the phone are much different now, after having owned the Nokia Lumia for over a year already. The bottom line is, I would NOT recommend this phone. And I’m going to tell you why.

First of all it crashes, or freezes, multiple times a week. It’s done this pretty much from day 1. ATT just advises me to press and hold all 3 buttons, and soft reset the phone. Which usually works, except sometimes it doesn’t, in which case you have to perform a hard reset. read more

Celestian Tales: Old North: An Indie Developed Suikoden Inspired Anime RPG

In the midst of E3 and steam summer sale, Ekuator Games, a quiet little indie developer from Indonesia, prepares to launch their “loving homage” to Suikoden. Featuring “moral based storylines” and “6 different perspectives” — I can’t wait to play this one. Looks good~

This title was recently funded on Kickstarter, and is quietly preparing to come to a PC near you in the coming weeks.

Check out the Gameplay Trailer:

The developers are worried that if they launch right now, they will not have a captive audience due to so much hype around E3 and the Steam Summer Sale, so they are working on polishing up a few last minute details and plan to release it in a few weeks. Stay tuned for launch details on the developer’s website. read more

Tanto Cuore Anime Maid Fanservice Card Game

tanto cuore anime deck building card game for 2 to 4 players
tanto cuore anime deck building card game for 2 to 4 players

Tanto Cuore is a physical, as well as, digital card game that features cute female maids drawn in anime style. It is published by who also brings us Kanzume Goddess which I may review in future articles. You can find the digital version of Tanto Cuore in the app store here:

Tanto Cuore is best described as a deck building game and is designed for 2 to 4 players. Each player starts with the same cards available to them, and then takes turn “purchasing” cards from a pool of available items. read more

Why Iphone 6 Plus is the best Smartphone for Female Gamers

I’m currently lusting after an Iphone 6 Plus, but by time I fulfill my contract, to get the upgrade discount, I’m pretty sure the Iphone 7 will be out. I’ve never owned an Iphone. I had androids for years, ever since the first motorola droid, with the slide out keyboard. About a year ago now I bought a windows phone. I’m always an early adopter of technology, but windows is very disappointing in two areas. First, the app store, no good games, despite, Microsoft’s recent announcement that windows 10 will allow developers to easily port their games to the platform at just the switch of a button. Secondly, no accessories available for the phone in store, some may be available online, but really, I feel jealous of all the cool accessories and cute beautification elements that go into the Iphone. read more

Youtube to Begin Gaming Live Streaming Service to Compete with Twitch TV And You Can Sign Up For Early Access

Youtube to Begin Gaming Live Streaming Service to Compete with Twitch TV And You Can Sign Up For Early Access

YouTube Gaming is built to be all about your favorite games and gamers, with more videos than anywhere else. From “Asteroids” to “Zelda,” more than 25,000 games will each have their own page, a single place for all the best videos and live streams about that title. You’ll also find channels from a wide array of game publishers and YouTube creators.


Keeping up with these games and channels is now super easy, too. Add a game to your collection for quick access whenever you want to check up on the latest videos. Subscribe to a channel, and you’ll get a notification as soon as they start a live stream. Uncover new favorites with recommendations based on the games and channels you love. And when you want something specific, you can search with confidence, knowing that typing “call” will show you “Call of Duty” and not “Call Me Maybe.” read more

Nintendo Announces Not Just One, But 2 Fire Emblem Games at E3 2015

Nintendo just made Fire Emblem, and Shin Megami Tensei Fans very happy with the following two announcements.

Coming to America in 2016

First up, Fire Emblem Fates describes Fire Emblem Fates as “Developed by the same team that created Fire Emblem Awakening, the new adventure adds challenges never before seen in the series and asks players to make decisions that will affect the game’s world in new ways.” They also tell us that the game, known as Fire Emblem IF in Japan was released as 2 separate games. Further research uncovers that these 2 versions feature completely different storylines and different battles as well. They were subtitled Midnight Sun and Dark Night Kingdom. Nintendo did not announce which version(s) would be coming over to the US at this time. read more

Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Announced at E3, Breaks Records for Fastest Kickstarter Campaign to Reach $1M

Just as exciting as the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Read our news coverage here: ), Another big announcement of a long-time fan-requested game, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki announced at lastnight’s Playstation Live Stream E3 Event that he had just created a Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue 3. Shortly after the announcement, the kickstarter for Shemue 3 set a ground breaking record of being the fastest kickstarter campaign ever to reach $1,000,000 in funding. I know when I was trying to visit the kickstarter page lastnight the servers were timing out and going nuts. Several news outlets are reporting that it achieved it’s funding goal of $2,000,000 in under 9 hours, and is continueing to earn donations. As of the time of this writing it’s nearing $2.5 million in less than 12 hours since being announced. read more

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015. Check out the trailer below and prepare to fangirl over this news. SquareEnix first teased the audience with an overly cute and juvenile new Final Fantasy game on Playstation Vita, titled Final Fantasy Worlds. The rumors were crazy all week long that SquareEnix would announce a full Final Fantasy 7 Remake at this year’s E3 – This is NOT the PC to PS4 port that was announced last year. Oh no, this is a brand new game, built from the ground up to reimagine the cult classic RPG of our generation, for a brand new generation of gamers. Details are scarce. No release date, no idea if it will stick to it’s roots and be a traditional JRPG with turn-based combat, or if it will branch out into newer gameplay methods to attract a wider audience (while perhaps turning away long-time fans). read more

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