Why Iphone 6 Plus is the best Smartphone for Female Gamers

I’m currently lusting after an Iphone 6 Plus, but by time I fulfill my contract, to get the upgrade discount, I’m pretty sure the Iphone 7 will be out. I’ve never owned an Iphone. I had androids for years, ever since the first motorola droid, with the slide out keyboard. About a year ago now I bought a windows phone. I’m always an early adopter of technology, but windows is very disappointing in two areas. First, the app store, no good games, despite, Microsoft’s recent announcement that windows 10 will allow developers to easily port their games to the platform at just the switch of a button. Secondly, no accessories available for the phone in store, some may be available online, but really, I feel jealous of all the cool accessories and cute beautification elements that go into the Iphone. read more

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