New Pokemon Snap Tips And Review 2021 Nintendo Switch Game

Nintendo just released “New Pokemon Snap” yesterday, just in time for the weekend. I spent a few hours last night learning the ropes and taking my first few photos. Here’s what I learned so far, and also what I think of this game. I did indeed also play the original Pokemon Snap back on Nintendo N64. But to be honest, I haven’t played it in so long that I don’t feel confident or comfortable enough to compare and contrast how each game differs. Maybe after I get bored of New Pokemon Snap, I’ll go back and replay the original one again. read more

Beasts Of Maravilla Island is a Pokemon Snap inspired Forest Exploration Game Coming To Nintendo Switch and PC

Back the project within the next 7 days to get a digital copy of Maravilla Island for your platform of choice for just $5.

There’s also a free demo of the game available here:

Of course, as you can see in the comments section, the game has a lot of bugs and issues with bad controls right now so it is not a good indicator of how the final game may play out.

Beasts of Maravilla Island is an adventure game through nature where you research and photograph wildlife as you explore the island. Very similar to Pokemon Snap which is also coming soon to Nintendo Switch. It looks like Pokemon Snap won’t be the only animal photography game on the Nintendo Switch. And for fans who don’t have a Nintendo Switch, but do have a PC, they can get a similar gaming experience with Beasts of Maravilla. read more

Google Pixel 3 vs Iphone XR Camera

I just ordered a Google Pixel 3 a few days ago because it was $150 off on google’s store – sale ends today by the way. After ordering the phone, to kill time I was watching videos of the phone… I am mainly excited about the Pixel 3 camera. I am still using an Iphone 6S… I’ve had since it came out… so almost any new phone camera would put mine to shame. The last android phone I have used was Samsung Note 1 so I’ve been “Team Iphone” for a long time. But Pixel 3’s camera just looked so good. How good is it really?

I took a blind test and played along with this video:


I watched this and paused it and studied each photo and came to the following conclusions which I wrote AS I was watching it – At the end he will tell you which camera belongs to which phone… I won’t spoil it – you can watch it yourself.

Here are my comments…

1 B
2 B
3 A’s color is better but I do like how B’s subject “pops” out of the background
4 – same comments as 3
5 – B
6 – about equal. A looks a little washed out, B looks a little dark
7 – B all the way, although it looks kinda warm colored. A is probably more natural color, but seems blurry and less detailed
8 – B all the way, no contest. A is blurry and pixelated/noisy. B is much more detailed and “cleaner”
9 – B is much more sharp and crisp, but A is probably more flattering for the portrait, But prefer B because it pops
10 – B is much more detailed and crisp. A looks washed out and blurry but sometimes thats nice for portraits
11 – B – but this one is pretty equal
12 – A captures more “area” you can see other houses and cars. And the things in the foreground pop more, but B has more midrange “clarity”
13 – B all the way, A looks super washed out
14 – B all the way, it really pops out. (Since dolls are my main photography subject this would be the camera I’d want the most)
15 – A shows more background detail, but B is nice for Bokeh, and the subject seems more clear in B

My totals:

B = 10
A = 0
Tie = 5

Did I make a good purchase? – Watch this video to find out for yourself.

Final Fantasy XV Review

It’s been awhile since we’ve done a review around here with the holidays and all. It’s time to fix that. Having just finished FFXV over the weekend, that seems the best candidate for a review this week. I’ve been a fan of Final Fantasy for a long time, ever since “Mystic Quest” on the SNES. Final Fantasy 6 (3 in America) is still my favorite in the series. I’ve played every Final Fantasy Game since the 16 bit era. And I’m “strange” I know, but I don’t really like FF7, not as much as everyone else seems to be in love with that game. But Final Fantasy in general always holds a special place in my heart. If I had to rank my favorite FF games that I’ve played from best to worst, it would look something like this when using the corresponding Japanese numbers for each title… With the newest game, Final Fantasy XV somewhere solidly in the middle. Although I’ve played 11 and 14, I didn’t include them in the list since they are a different genre (mmorpg)

  • FF6
  • FF8
  • FF4
  • FF10
  • FF13
  • FF15
  • FF9
  • FF5
  • FF7
  • FF12

Honestly, my most favorite thing about the new FF game was Prompto’s Photography skills lol. My twitter and facebook looked like a giant marketing website for the game for the past few weeks. Pretty smart move by SquareEnix, getting the public to help promote their game like that on social media. The characters are quite likeable in the game, and although the story starts slow, it eventually builds with a lot of emotion. The first half of the game features an open world environment where you can travel, explore, and quest freely, but the last several chapters are much more linear, and it’s within the later half of the game that the story becomes much darker. The emotions are felt stronger due to the first half focusing on friendship between the main character and his friends and the light hearted feeling of the early chapters.

The story however, is not without flaws, and that is where I have to deduct points. People are killed off much too early in the game to feel any sense of loss or attachment to them. Furthermore, some characters are mysteriously killed off without ever showing exactly what happened to them. The character development between the 4 “bros” is the highlight of the game – and it is beautiful. On the other hand, supporting characters are introduced only to be almost forgotten in later chapters. For example, I really liked Iris in the first half of the game. In the end it’s eluded that she too has become a daemon hunter, but it never shows her again nor does she ever rejoin the bros. Aranea is another forgotten female as well.

The game is supposed to be receiving numerous updates in the coming weeks and months. Among which include new story sequences, special dlc for each of the bros, gameplay enhancements for the later chapters (chapter 13), and the ability to create your own player character. But I shall base my review solely based on the content that was available when I played through the game.

Title: Final Fantasy XV

Platform: PS4 and Xbone (I played the PS4 version, but they are both the same).

Publisher: SquareEnix

Release Date: November 29, 2016

Genre: RPG

Where to buy: Amazon

read more

Sonicomi Communication with Sonico English PC Game Review

Sonicomi Communication English Preorders Begin. Game Release Date Scheduled for Summer 2016

Sonicomi English Preorder is now live on JLIST. Up til now, the game has only been available in Asian regions. This new English release is the original Sonicomi Game from 2011 for the PC; however, JLIST has licensed the visuals from the much improved 2014 PS3 version.

Preorder Sonicomi Communication – and use Coupon Code: MOE-22Y-E8BNV5 to get 5% off!

Gameplay puts you in the role of a professional cameraman as you photograph a “Gravure Idol” (which loosely translates to Magazine Model), the busty, pink haired, Sonico. You get scores and combos for taking better photos. Outside of the photography element, you interact with the model in visual novel fashion.

The game features a ton of customization with well over 100 items to dressup in.

The replay value is also very high, because depending on your advice, Sonico’s career is at stake and she will evolve to reach one of 18 different endings, including a special ending where she falls in love with you.

Unlike most visual novels, this one is fully animated and in 3D.

In all, from the descriptions, Gameplay reminds me of a very perverse, echi style “Pokemon Snap” X Princess Maker 2 Crossover lol.

Super Sonico is Nitro+ special mascot and makes cameo appearances in many other games, and even has her own anime series.

There are 2 editions available for preorder. The standard edition includes preorder bonuses of an action figure, steam key (for when the game is later released on steam), and art cards. The special “collector’s edition” includes a “full body” mouse pad which is “2 times larger than other moe mouse pads” and they said the mousepad has never been sold before anywhere, not even in Japan, and features brand new artwork by the designer of the game, just for the US English release and once preorders end this Mousepad will no longer be available. $100 bucks seems Crazy to me for a Mousepad – but if you’re really into this character, I guess some people may be interested in it. Meanwhile, the standard edition will run $55 – which yes, is a lot for a visual novel. Clannad recently released with a $50 price tag too. Now that visual novels are gaining popularity in the west it seems we can expect typical “new release” prices on par with other genres of gaming. I plan to preorder the standard edition when I get paid this week.

Preorder Sonicomi Communication

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Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Phone Review

One of my most popular blog posts is my Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Phone Preview. Which you can read here. However this was written well before I actually purchased the phone. And my opinion, enthusiasm, and love for the phone are much different now, after having owned the Nokia Lumia for over a year already. The bottom line is, I would NOT recommend this phone. And I’m going to tell you why.

First of all it crashes, or freezes, multiple times a week. It’s done this pretty much from day 1. ATT just advises me to press and hold all 3 buttons, and soft reset the phone. Which usually works, except sometimes it doesn’t, in which case you have to perform a hard reset.

My entire family got one of these phones. My mother’s phone INEXPLICABLY died within 3 months of owning it. It’d never been dropped, never gotten wet, etc. ATT agreed there was no logical reason for the phone to die and not turn back on and so gave her a replacement one, and so far hers has been fine.

Out of the four phones, MINE is the only one that freezes all the time. I have more apps than anyone else in my family on this phone. BUT that can’t be the reason, because as I mentioned, it’s done this from DAY ONE.

So there’s the first point, freezing, crashing.

Next, let’s talk about “all of those apps” on my phone. Truth be told, I’ve owned androids all my life, ever since the first motorola droid back in the early 2000s. You know, the one with the keyboard and everything? Right. So when I first got android, there were not many apps available in the google play store. Fair enough, it was early technology. It was not long before it began gaining traction, and now, 15+ years later, google has ALMOST as many apps as the Apple App store. I know, because I ALSO own an Ipad, and play mobile games on it EXTENSIVELY (daily). … So where are all the apps for Windows Phone? In a recent marketing conference, Microsoft announced that developers could very easily port their games over to the windows phone at the simple push of a button, and they showed a demonstration. AT LAST, I thought maybe we would see some good apps….. That was almost six months ago…. and you know how many of my existing games now have windows apps? TWO of them, out of probably 70 games… TWO….. And the apps that ARE available are DRASTICALLY different from their IOS and Android versions. For example, Instagram, has maybe 5 filters on the windows version, and you can not control the “strength” of the filters, etc the way you can on the other versions.

So there’s point 2: No third party application support.

Along a similar vein, none of the big-box electronic stores such as Fryes, Best Buy, Radio Shack, etc, carry any accessories for the Windows Phone. Sure you can find a few things online, but I REALLY miss just being able to walk into a store and buy something off the shelf, the way I could with my Galaxy phone. As a girl, who regards her phone as a fashion accessory, and enjoys customizing her phones, this is a definite draw back. I can’t even find screen protectors or cases and have to order those online also. Design and selection of which are often limited.

Point 3, availability of phone accessories. read more

Why Iphone 6 Plus is the best Smartphone for Female Gamers

I’m currently lusting after an Iphone 6 Plus, but by time I fulfill my contract, to get the upgrade discount, I’m pretty sure the Iphone 7 will be out. I’ve never owned an Iphone. I had androids for years, ever since the first motorola droid, with the slide out keyboard. About a year ago now I bought a windows phone. I’m always an early adopter of technology, but windows is very disappointing in two areas. First, the app store, no good games, despite, Microsoft’s recent announcement that windows 10 will allow developers to easily port their games to the platform at just the switch of a button. Secondly, no accessories available for the phone in store, some may be available online, but really, I feel jealous of all the cool accessories and cute beautification elements that go into the Iphone.

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I own an Ipad 2 (the old one, before “Air”) and the app store on Ipad is amaze-balls. There are so many free Otome games and Visual Novels. I’ve realized that I’m more of a casual gamer these days. Maybe I’ll write a blog post about that sometime too. Don’t get me wrong, I love my PC and Console games too, but we’re seeing so many great mobile titles lately, especially asian developed titles (anime games, rpgs, visual novels, otome games, dating sims, etc). The App store has hundreds if not thousands of these styles of games which get often neglected in the next gen consoles and PC lineups.

I love my Ipad and play it daily… and yet… since it’s the Wifi only model… and also due to size/weight, It just is not practical to always have on my person, the way an Iphone would be… For breaks at work, lunch, commutes, waiting rooms at appointments, or while waiting for food in a restaurant, etc.

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The Ipad also can’t be customized as cutely, and femininely as the Iphone.

They also make cute wallets and clutches to carry your Iphone, and your ID, and maybe 2 or 3 credit/debit cards and some money. — I had similar wallets like this for my Galaxy Note. But I have not found any for my Windows phone.

The larger screen of the Iphone Plus, makes it better for gamers who spend a large amount of time looking at their screens.

My next phone for sure will be an Iphone. I keep entering contests (not the scammer ones lol just legit ones), and hoping and praying to win one, or enough moola to buy one, before my contract expires next year.

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However, the Iphone 7 is looking to be even better for us girls, who, if you’re like me, LOVE taking photos. That’s because rumor has it that Iphone 7 will feature a much improved camera, using multiple sensors, to aid in low-light photography and image stabalization technology (already present in the Iphone 6 Plus).

If you’re a female gamer, who likes any of the above mentioned styles of games, or regards your phone as a fashion accesory, the Iphone is the ONLY way to go, in my opinion. And if you’re worried you might miss some of your existing android apps, check out BlueStacks which allows you to play android games on your PC. I use it to play Soccer Spirits, because that game doesn’t run well on my Ipad. But you can access any game on the google play store (you still have to pay if you want to play a paid game). Unlike other Android emulators, the playstore is built directly into Bluestacks and its very easy to use without having to patch or create other work arounds which may be difficult for non techsavy gamers.

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