20 Game Series That Need A Sequel

1.) Lunar

Still my favorite game series of all time, Lunar, deserves a sequel and has plenty of source material to derive such a sequel or rather, prequel from. What I’d like to play is the original tale that started it all, playing as Dyne, with the original reincarnation of the goddess Althena, and Ghaleon, and Mel, and the other 4 heroes (whose names I’ve forgotten at the moment). Of course, they could always just spin it off in a new direction in a future somewhere and use return appearances or references of some of the characters. But the logical next step to me, would be to let us see and play the tale of the original 4 heroes. read more

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – Spiritual Successor to Suikoden By Original Suikoden Developers Has Appeared On Kickstarter And Already Reached Its Funding Goal


And yes, it will be in English – among many other languages. The catch is you’ll have to wait 2 and a half years for it to be released.

With 31 days left of their kickstarter campaign, Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes has already achieved its funding goal. You can help fund the game and get a digital copy when it is released for just $38. For $90 you can get Beta Access to the PC version and a physical copy for your platform of choice.

I chose to back this project – for just the digital copy – I won’t be able to provide any insights as to the Beta – but I definitely had to back this one. Suikoden is one of my favorite game series. And this is basically Suikoden with a different name because probably I assume that Konami owns the Suikoden name. read more

Konami NOT stopping development of AAA titles for Console or PC

Did I call this one or what? Last week, rumors abounded that Konami was exiting the gaming market once again (this rumor ALREADY happened earlier this year). Can we finally put this rumor to bed now please? As I wrote in my article here: Konami Reportedly Stops Making Games, Internet Goes Crazy Over Rumors I advised gamers to not get too upset, and boy was I right. Konami ONCE AGAIN denied rumors that they are exiting the console and pc marketplace.

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Yesterday, Nintendo Life Reported that they had spoken to Konami and received the following response in regards to these rumors:

“After reaching out to Konami, they were told that, ‘I can promise you that we’re definitely not leaving Metal Gear behind or anything like that. I know some blogs were claiming that online this morning, but I’m not really sure where they’d be getting that from.

“We’re still definitely working on console games and franchises such as Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, PES and all the rest.'” read more

Konami Reportedly Stops Making Console and PC Games, Internet Goes Crazy Over Rumors

UPDATE: See my updated post regarding this issue. Hint: Konami is NOT stopping development of AAA games for console or PC

My original post from 9/18/15 is below in it’s unedited state. As you can see, I nailed it. Don’t believe rumors you guys.

Konami has had some recent restructuring with several key players exiting the company. Earlier this year, Konami announced that they want to focus on mobile gaming. However, they NEVER said they would STOP making console games. The internet lost it’s mind none the less and began flaming the company and jumping to needless conclusions. Now it appears history is repeating itself, as a french website leaked new rumors that Konami will stop publishing any new console games aside from the upcoming Metal Gear which will still release on October 6th.


Before you get too worried, remember how wrong the internet was about this rumor just a few short months ago. Until I see something from Konami, I don’t think it’s any reason to worry.

Konami already went on the record and said that they plan to continue to develop games for ALL platforms, including console, mobile, and PC, in response to the last wave of rumors which was only a few months ago.

Konami seems to be the victim of a lot of rumors, perhaps due to the fact that they killed the much anticipated silent hills game that featured voice talent from the cast of the walking dead series. News of the cancellation angered many fans and also those in the game industry. Konami is now the company everyone loves to hate.

I don’t mind, they could give me a retro suikoden port or sequel on my Ipad, or finally bring over the Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side Games which are our currently highest rated reviewed games on the site right now; and I’d be just as happy. I play all platforms, including mobile. I don’t know why mobile gets so much hate; I could see this being a good move – although I know that certain games, like MGS and Silent Hill would play better on console or PC; Konami is not a one trick pony; and there are other games they develop which could work quite well on mobile devices.


You may think no one cares about anything other than MGS or Silent Hill, but I much rather have a new Suikoden or English version of Tokemeki Memorial Girl’s Side any day 🙂

Despite the rumor mill rumblings, I suspect we will still see a healthy dose of Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill Games in the months, years, and generations to come on PC and Console platforms.

Unconfirmed rumors are just that; and until I hear otherwise I’m not too worried :).

Celestian Tales: Old North: An Indie Developed Suikoden Inspired Anime RPG

In the midst of E3 and steam summer sale, Ekuator Games, a quiet little indie developer from Indonesia, prepares to launch their “loving homage” to Suikoden. Featuring “moral based storylines” and “6 different perspectives” — I can’t wait to play this one. Looks good~

This title was recently funded on Kickstarter, and is quietly preparing to come to a PC near you in the coming weeks.

Check out the Gameplay Trailer:


The developers are worried that if they launch right now, they will not have a captive audience due to so much hype around E3 and the Steam Summer Sale, so they are working on polishing up a few last minute details and plan to release it in a few weeks. Stay tuned for launch details on the developer’s website. http://www.ekuatorgames.com/

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