20 Game Series That Need A Sequel

1.) Lunar

Still my favorite game series of all time, Lunar, deserves a sequel and has plenty of source material to derive such a sequel or rather, prequel from. What I’d like to play is the original tale that started it all, playing as Dyne, with the original reincarnation of the goddess Althena, and Ghaleon, and Mel, and the other 4 heroes (whose names I’ve forgotten at the moment). Of course, they could always just spin it off in a new direction in a future somewhere and use return appearances or references of some of the characters. But the logical next step to me, would be to let us see and play the tale of the original 4 heroes. read more

Breath of Fire is Getting a Sequel in 2016, But You Can’t Play it!

Breath of Fire 6 is coming to a screen near you, if you’re in Japan that is. As of today, there are no plans to bring this installment in the Breath of Fire series to America. Breath of Fire has long since been one of my all time favorite JRPGs. In fact, you can check out my review of Breath of Fire 2 here.

Unlike the more recent installments in this series, Breath of Fire VI is taking it old school with sprite and pixel based artwork.

Here’s a trailer for a game you’ll probably never get to play, unless you speak Japanese (geez, thanks Capcom).


And another trailer showing off the dungeon and battle aspects of the game.


TechnoBuffalo thinks this game is too retro and doesn’t “push enough boundaries” to “please fans” – But I disagree. While I agree it is very retro; I argue there is still a market for traditional JRPG turn based games in America, and Retro is not always a bad thing. Look at the new star wars film. Criticized by Lucas for not “innovating” a new world or new characters, and that Disney created a “Retro Film” – Well that Retro Film is being ranked as one of the best Star Wars films of all time by fans and critics alike.

People that grew up with these movies (and games in the case of Breath of Fire) are no working money-making purchasing-power Adults who want to have nostalgia and happy memories of their childhood. I’m one such gamer myself who hopes Capcom someday will bring this title overseas.

IBTimes features the game in a recent write up and says that perhaps fan support could turn the tide for a US release.

The game features beautiful sprite artwork, full voice acting, and brings back many of your favorite characters from previous games. It launches next month for PC and Android. No plans exist yet for localization of this sequel. Let’s hope Capcom eventually changes their mind and gives us a North American release date.

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    New Star Trek TV Series Coming to CBS in 2017

    There’s going to be a new Star Trek TV Series according to this article in the New York Times.

    It is being produced by Alex Kurtman who produced the 2009 Star Trek Movie and 2013 Star Trek Into Darkness. The new Star Trek Television Series will premier on January 2017 on CBS.

    There’s also a new movie coming out next summer, but they say the TV series will not be related to this film.

    It marks the first time in over a decade that new Star Trek TV episodes have premiered on Television and also coincides with the series’ 50th anniversary.

    Star Trek has been a favorite for more than 3 generations of science fiction fans. It stretches the imagination, but yet, it seems like it could all be plausible in the not too distant future. Star Trek goes to great lengths to get into the technical nitty gritty of how all of the technology works and does so in a way which makes it seem realistic which is why Star Trek falls into Science Fiction while similar series such as Star Wars fall into fantasy since they use unexplained phenomena such as “the force”.

    It’s been a long time since we’ve had new Star Trek episodes, or any technical “not too distant future” “not so fantasy based” Sci-Fi series.

    Personally, I’m a HUUUUGE fan of the new origin movies (and have found childhood memories of the older movies from the 80s as well as the TV Series) – but I know a lot of people who hate them and refuse to even watch them because they “changed” certain things from the older series. I speculate that this new TV series will again change things up and potentially alienate some long time fans; but it will also draw in a whole new generation of fans who never grew up with the older TV show or movies. And that is a good thing. New Star Trek merchandise will also follow.

    Are you excited for the new series or afraid that it can’t live up to your favorite stories and cast members?

    His Dark Materials Triology Getting a new TV Series on BBC

    According to this article on Time.com Golden Compass Fans are about to get the sequel they’ve always wanted. Kinda. Am I the only person that actually LIKED? no… LOVED the first movie? I’ve been DYING to see what happens next! (and no I haven’t read the books, sorry, I’m not a big “reader” these days. (I used to be, when I was in highschool, before this thing called the internet, which I think, kinda killed my attention span lol. ) (Not that I would never read a book these days, but I prefer watching movies, and sitting on my fat ass eating bag fulls of popcorn lol.). (mmm Popcorn (my favorite, its even better than chocolate)…)

    Ok so anyways, I digress. This exciting announcement just went viral today that thanks to the BBC network, we’re about to get to see Philip Pullman’s whole trilogy in a TV series format. The trilogy is comprised of three novels, The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass.

    The story follows Lyra who inadvertently gets dragged into a war much bigger than herself. It features fantasy, and magic, and is often criticized for taking a very dark/negative view of religion. Pullman is a very vocal aethist. It’s even rumored that because of his “fight against religion” as the main reason New Line Cinema did not move forward to complete their trilogy of boxoffice movies.

    I wonder if perhaps, if this TV series does well if we will see a reboot or perhaps the sequel we want from New Line Cinema. I thought the Golden Compass movie was every bit as good as Lord of the Rings, another New Line Cinema book to movie “triology” (or sixology I guess lol).

    What I really liked about it was the strong female lead (I mean, yes, she was a child actress, but when compared to books and movies like Harry Potter who are “afraid” to put a woman in the main role or books and movies like Twilight which feature a very weak female, Lyra is a very adventurous and strong little girl with a big heart.) I also totally dig the concept of the animal companions which come from the children’s magic and abilities. Some of the different races are in fact animals with sentient minds such as the Polar Bears, etc. I also really like the underlying themes of family and what “makes” a family. Lyra’s mother is not a perfect mother, and her father is not in the picture, but appears to love Lyra very much. It’s an interesting, modern, and sometimes true interpretation of what a family unit looks like in this day and age.

    I don’t see any word yet on how many episodes this new BBC TV series will be. I’m hoping it will be nice and long 🙂 At least 3 full TV seasons. But I’d be okay too with just a 3-part miniseries. I just want to know how the damn story ends without having to read the book. lol. I could skip ahead, etc, but where would the fun in that be? I already know the main gist anyways from reading online, but it’s not the same as “seeing” it myself. 🙂

    The series will be produced by “Philip Pullman, Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner for Bad Wolf, Toby Emmerich and Carolyn Blackwood for New Line Cinema, Bethan Jones for BBC One, and Deborah Forte for Scholastic”. (according to the Times.com article linked to at the beginning of this post)

    Since New Line themselves are getting involved in this TV Series, that makes me want to hold out hope even more for them to bring it on back to the BIG SCREEN.

    I hope beyond hope that this TV Series really takes off and does well!! And then I hope New Line Cinema will bring back their big screen trilogy too.

    Sometimes Always Monsters Preview Sequel to Always Sometimes Monsters

    While trying to promote my recent review of Always Sometimes Monsters over here I came across exciting news on destructoid that a direct sequel is in the works titled Sometimes Always Monsters. As a little aside, that title drives me crazy. I always forget if the first game is titled Sometimes Always Monsters or Always Sometimes Monsters. The only way I can keep it straight now is by reminding myself that A is the “first” letter in the alphabet “Always” and S is the first letter of “Second” or “Sequel”.

    Anyways, it aims to preserve the continuity of the first game and be a “direct” sequel. You can import your saved data from Always Sometimes Monsters and your decisions, ending, etc all carry over to the new game.

    The main gist of the story appears to follow the “good end” of the first game, in which you win back your love and publish a novel about your crazy journey. You’re now a successful author and you’re going on a book tour to meet your fans. As you travel from city to city, lots of things happen. Some people are jealous of your success, while others adore you and invite you into their lives. Along the way there’s many moral dilemmas and they claim only you can choose the right path. (though in their first game there were some choices which were clearly better choices and imperative to getting certain endings). Like the first game, it will deal with controversial real world issues and ask the player to make some very difficult decisions. The game’s art style seems very reminiscent of the first title as well. From the trailer below, the gameplay seems similar to the first game as well in a sort of “combatless rpg” or “visual novel” in which you can explore the world around you, but won’t find yourself in combat or leveling up or collecting loot. Instead, it aims to be an artistic story and put you on an emotional rollercoaster with very “real” feeling characters and their very “real” feeling problems.

    You can pre-order the game already, but they warn there’s still no estimated release date and that it might be a long wait. It is a little pricier than the previous game, going for $15 on Vagabond Dog’s website here: http://www.vagabonddog.com/store/sam

    Also, Vagabond Dog is asking you to email them your save files from the first game, and they say that as they work on the sequel they will analyze and incorporate many player’s decisions into the sequel and also exhibit player data at PAX and other game conventions. You can submit your saved game file right here: http://www.vagabonddog.com/blog/continuity

    I am floored and excited by the announcement of a sequel. I loved the first game. If you’ve never played it, check out my review for Always Sometimes Monsters

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    Higurashi: When they Cry Chapter 1 Onikakushi Visual Novel Review and Chapter 2 Higurashi Watanagashi Preorder Announcement

    Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc.

    MangaGamer just sent out an email that says Higurashi Chapter 2: Watanagashi will be available for preorder “this” month. Since there are only 8 days left in this month, it must be sometime soon. With this exciting news, I thought I should review the first chapter of Higurashi for those who have not played it yet.

    Gameplay: 1/10: Higurashi is a kinetic novel. This means that unlike other types of visual novels, there are absolutely no choices which you, the player, makes through the game. Click and read, Click and read, Click and read… One story, one end, one “path” — That’s it. It’s little more, than a story with some pictures and a soundtrack.


    Does that mean it’s bad? Not necessarily. People like to read. What people don’t like, is when they buy a GAME and discover only later that it has no “Gameplay”. So I want to preface my review by making it clear what it is, and what it is not. If you’re still cool with a game in which you absolutely, do not, interact, at all, ever, then read on to learn what Higurashi has to offer.

    Concept: 10/10 Higurashi is a murder mystery. It spans multiple “episodes” (14 of them to be exact). I’ve read that each episode is about 10 hours long; but I must read slow because I think it took me about 23 hours to complete the first “chapter”. Your mileage may vary. Even with a conservative estimate of 10 hours, to read the entire thing, all 14 chapters, it’d take a minimum of 140 hours. That’s a LOT of bang for your buck.

    Unlike most games in this genre – there is no “season pass” – so there’s no good way to save money if you’re wanting all 14 episodes (although I did pick up Chapter 1 in an awesome bundle from indiegala – I’m hooked now though and will not be waiting for a discount or bundle before ordering Chapter 2. I have GOT to see how it all ends – I refuse to watch the anime until I’ve completed all 14 chapters of the game to avoid any spoilers.) Also, Manga Gamer, being a very small company, is doing it’s best to translate the games as quickly as possible, and are releasing them one by one upon completion. Chapter 1 was released in May of this year…. I hope they are able to release chapters more quickly than this… It’s been almost 6 months now since Chapter 1’s release. And Chapter 2 STILL doesn’t have a definite release date, just that they are taking “preorders”. If they continue with 2 chapter releases per year, it will take 7 years to get all of them released. Perhaps this project was too large for Manga Gamer, or perhaps they should have just purchased the translation rights from one of the many fan translations that were already done for this game.

    Graphics: 8/10 However, Manga Gamer is also doing a lot of good with this game. It’s one of the first times I’ve ever seen an English release get HUGE improvements and upgrades over the Japanese version!!! We can make Japanese non-english speaking gamers totally jealous with our beautiful new sprites. When I first saw this feature, I had assumed that Manga Gamer was giving us the option of using the original (horrible) sprites from the PC Japanese version (which they are keeping as an option in Manga Gamer’s release too) OR I THOUGHT that they were giving us the option to select the much improved Playstation sprites from the Japanese version — BUT that is NOT the case!! Manga Gamer Went ALL OUT and developed BRAND NEW artwork for the English release. Sadly, they left the original Japanese PC version background art… The playstation Japanese version has REALLY nice background art — BUT their character sprites are no where near as nice as the ones Manga Gamer contracted for this release. Having these HIGHLY improved sprites makes me feel really special. For ONCE we get something in a port that is a HUGE big deal, and huge upgrade over what Japan has. That makes me feel like Manga Gamer really appreciates their customers and wants to do their best with this project.

    See the sprites here below. Look at the level of detail in shading and better proportions. This makes the sprites much cuter than either of the Japanese versions. P.S. Click To Enlarge :).

    Translation Quality: 10/10 In fact, also from a writing standpoint, the translation was very good. I can’t recall really almost ANY typos (though I’m sure there must have been a few) Compared to my most recently completed play through a similar style game (Amnesia Memories which is FULL of typos and inconsistencies) the translation of Manga Gamer’s version of Higurashi is REALLY high — I appreciate that, because it helps to immerse in the story

    Music: 10/10 Sound wise, the music and especially the sound effects and atmospheric sounds REALLY stand out and add to the mystery and horror aspects of this game. Actually, I read before that Higurashi is what they call a Sound Novel instead of a Visual Novel, Higurashi relies on the soundtrack more than its artwork (especially when you look at the really amateur artwork from the original PC version).However, both the original PC version and the Manga Gamer release do not have any voice acting at all. The Playstation version had full voice acting and if you’re feeling brave, there are tutorials online to patch your game to have voice acting – Would have been nice if Manga Gamer either could have bought the rights to that version’s soundtrack and incorporated it, or cast an English dub cast for the game — I don’t particularly like English dubs, but It would have been another concession on Manga Gamer’s part towards pleasing their fans.

    Story: 8/10 I don’t want to ruin anything for people who have not yet played Chapter One Onikakushi – but this game is very very very slowwww starting out — BUT… it rewards you if you put up with all of that by starting to REALLY pick up more horror/suspense/mystery themes towards the last 4-5 hours of the game. PRIOR to that, it’s very very light-hearted, slice of life, fluffy, happy…. When shit starts to go down though, that dark contrast against the MAJORITY of the first chapter being so innocent and pure, really stands out, and it is that contrast that becomes the real “heart and soul” of the first chapter.

    Higurashi also leaves you to draw your own conclusions about wtf is going on – and I don’t know if it ever really explains things fully or if it leaves it up to you a la similar murder mysteries such as gone girl which end with an open ending. Since I’ve only played the first chapter I can’t be sure. Is it the occult? Is the town cursed? Do they hate outsiders? Is it all a coincidence? Is everyone just crazy? lol.

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    Characters: 8/10 The characters are all highly likeable which makes it even more alarming that one (or more) of them could be capable of murder – especially on such a high brutality scale, in such a way, that they enjoy murder, enjoy watching their victims suffer – pretty creepy when these are just CHILDREN. But well, creepy children are a staple of horror films too; such as exorcist, ringu, grudge, children of the corn, etc. Children are kinda creepy with their small frame and large eyes and sometimes strange movements or gestures etc which I guess is why there are so many horror movies and books which focus on the whole creepy kid thing. But children are also pure, innocent, adorable, etc. And Higurashi does a perfect job of showing that, despite being murderers, the children are otherwise, perfectly normal little kids, who like to play tag, hide and seek, and go to school.

    For awhile, it looks like there will be some romance options (well not that you the player have any choice anyways), but then the game decides to take a VERY different approach. If you don’t dig visual novels because they’re all sappy happy slice of life romance anime etc — Well you might just like Higurashi… BUT keep in mind what I said, the MAJORITY of the first chapter IS VERY MUCH like most any other novel, light, happy, innocent, slice of life, boring, slow, REAL slow in fact. — But it REALLY takes a dramatic turn that makes it unlike pretty much any other english visual novel on the market today. — And I hear the following chapters are even more bizarre and darker and that the first was merely a prologue/introduction. So fasten your seatbelts – you’re in for quite a ride.

    The emotional impact of Higurashi was high, not only a sense of sadness, but perhaps more over, a feeling of isolation and desperation, a feeling of fear. It really gets creepy. It presents more questions than it solves and makes you the player think and reflect back on the story.

    Overall: 55/70 79% C+ “Good Game For Girls”

    Note: if you don’t count the lack of gameplay against the game, it then becomes 54/60 or a 90% 🙂 So if you don’t mind the Kinetic Novel genre, this is probably one of the best, if not the, best, kinetic novels to play. – I personally don’t like Kinetic Novels, but I am hooked on Higurashi!

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    Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Announced at E3, Breaks Records for Fastest Kickstarter Campaign to Reach $1M

    Just as exciting as the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Read our news coverage here: https://geekysweetie.com/final-fantasy-7-remake-revealed-e32015/ ), Another big announcement of a long-time fan-requested game, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki announced at lastnight’s Playstation Live Stream E3 Event that he had just created a Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue 3. Shortly after the announcement, the kickstarter for Shemue 3 set a ground breaking record of being the fastest kickstarter campaign ever to reach $1,000,000 in funding. I know when I was trying to visit the kickstarter page lastnight the servers were timing out and going nuts. Several news outlets are reporting that it achieved it’s funding goal of $2,000,000 in under 9 hours, and is continueing to earn donations. As of the time of this writing it’s nearing $2.5 million in less than 12 hours since being announced.

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    If you back the game via Kickstarter you get a lot of neat perks. For example, for just $5 you will get a personalized thank-you message from Yu Suzuki as well as the opportunity to take part in forums and polls to put ideas into the upcoming game. A mere $29 donation will earn you a digital copy of the game on your choice of either PS4 or PC. Going up from there, many other goodies are available, including your name in the credits, early access to alpha and beta versions of the game, and phyical goods too such as sound tracks, clothing, toys, artwork, and more.

    There are numerous stretch goals too, including a skill-tree system and rapport system (maybe similar to a dating-sim type of element) and translations into several other languages around the world. Don’t worry, English and Japanese are defaultly included in the kickstarter’s original funding estimates.

    The announcement was made lastnight at E3, and revealed both a game trailer and gameplay footage of the development already underway on this exciting and beloved sequel. Check out the reveal from lastnight’s E3 2015 Show below. And then go to the official kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ysnet/shenmue-3?ref=nav_search to read more about the production team, game concept, and check out all the goodies you can get with your donation.

    The game has a projected release date of December 2017.

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    Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015

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    Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015. Check out the trailer below and prepare to fangirl over this news. SquareEnix first teased the audience with an overly cute and juvenile new Final Fantasy game on Playstation Vita, titled Final Fantasy Worlds. The rumors were crazy all week long that SquareEnix would announce a full Final Fantasy 7 Remake at this year’s E3 – This is NOT the PC to PS4 port that was announced last year. Oh no, this is a brand new game, built from the ground up to reimagine the cult classic RPG of our generation, for a brand new generation of gamers. Details are scarce. No release date, no idea if it will stick to it’s roots and be a traditional JRPG with turn-based combat, or if it will branch out into newer gameplay methods to attract a wider audience (while perhaps turning away long-time fans).

    I have always felt that Final Fantasy 7 is the most Over-rated RPG of all times (I can hear the boo’s and hisses already). But it really was not well written and the characters were incredibly boring… However, I felt that advent children filled in the holes that were always missing from the original story. It gave the characters more heart and personality. Tifa was no longer brainless T&A fanservice. Cloud seemed less cold and more compassionate. And Rude and Reno were hilarious.

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    This time Final Fantasy 7 is being directed by Tetsuya Nomura who directed and did character design for the Advent Children movie. Because of this, we get a grittier, darker, more realistic world and character designs in the upcoming FF7 Remake. But do not fear, because long time fans can look forward to the return of Yoshinori Kitase and Kazushige Nojima who worked on the original Final Fantasy 7 back on the PS1. They will be handling production and scenario writing, just as they did back in 1997.

    The FF7 remake will first be released on PS4 and then likely get ported to other consoles and PC. It is unclear how long it will remain exclusive on PS4. This will make buying a PS4 worth it for many fans of the original Final Fantasy 7.

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    This long overdue remake is receiving crazy amounts of attention and probably stole the entire show for this year’s E3. Check out the Trailer, and leave a comment below discussing what you hope to see in the new game!

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