Plastic Memories Anime Review

Title: Plastic Memories

Genre: Slice of Life, Romance, Scifi, Comedy

Release Date: 2015

Studio: Doga Kobo

Length: 13 Episodes

Overall: 32/35 91% A- “Excellent Anime For Girls”

Story: 10/10 Plastic Memories is a 2015 anime series about a futuristic society aided by companion android like creations known as Giftia. The giftia live together with humans, and often as an integral role of their family. More often than not, they serve as children for couples unable to conceive on their own, or taking the place of children who died. read more

New Star Trek TV Series Coming to CBS in 2017

There’s going to be a new Star Trek TV Series according to this article in the New York Times.

It is being produced by Alex Kurtman who produced the 2009 Star Trek Movie and 2013 Star Trek Into Darkness. The new Star Trek Television Series will premier on January 2017 on CBS.

There’s also a new movie coming out next summer, but they say the TV series will not be related to this film.

It marks the first time in over a decade that new Star Trek TV episodes have premiered on Television and also coincides with the series’ 50th anniversary. read more

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