Sony Spartacus – A Dream Come True For PS Classic Fans

Sony’s new Subscription Service, titled Spartacus is set to roll out in Spring 2022.

It will be a tiered based subscription service, encompassing the two existing services, Playstation Now and Playstation Plus, but what’s really exciting is what happens on the most expensive, third tier… Here, Sony promises to offer a subscription service that rivals Xbox (not hard to do in my opinion because Xbox lacks the types of games I enjoy aside from Lost Odyssey – The only Xbox game I’ve ever loved.). read more

Anima Mundi The Dark Alchemist Review

Title: Anima Mundi The Dark Alchemist

Genre: Visual Novel (with crafting minigame)

Platform: PC

Publisher: Hirameki International

Where to Buy: Sometimes Appears on Amazon: or JLIST / JBOX: (no link available) and sometimes available via Playasia: — It’s out of print, and rare, and a highly regarded game so it can be difficult and expensive to find, but I promise you; this one’s worth it!

Release Date: May 31, 2006

Language: English text with Japanese voice acting

Overall Score: 63/80 79% C+ Good Game for Girls

Geeky Factor: 

Sweetie Factor: 

Story: 9/10 You play as a young man trying to find a way to save his sister. In the opening of the game, your sister is accused of being a witch and is beheaded and her body burned at the stake; remarkably somehow, her head survives; and her soul/spirit/etc are all in-tact. she’s able to communicate with you, and it’s still your dear sister that you love so much. You hide her head under your cloak and make your way to the palace, where you take on a job as an alchemist, in order to have access to ingredients to perform experiments to create a chimera (a new body) for your sister. However, her head repeatedly rejects all of the transplant attempts. Seeing no other way to save your sister, you head down a dark path, including alchemy, deceit, murder, and intrigue. It’s a very emotionally moving storyline; you’ll feel fear, anger, and sadness right along with the characters. It’s also a fairly unique story for this type of game. The story suffers a couple of typos and some censorship from Hirameki International when it was brought overseas. I deducted 1 point for that; otherwise I’d honestly give this a 10/10 for story; it is a must play if you’re a fan of story rich games. There are a lot of romance options, including several “yaoi” or “boys love” “BL” routes. However; romance is not the main focus of this game; it’s more about horror and death. Where as, most visual novels give romance the center stage, this is a refreshing change of pace and offers something a little more heavy and dark which will keep you up at night thinking about the ethical and emotional questions that are presented within this game.

Gameplay: 8/10  Standard visual novel faire here; you progress through a story, without combat, or much “gameplay” to speak of, by reading and occasionally making choices that determine which parts of the story you will see and ultimately which ending you will reach. If you don’t like this style of game, then this game is not for you obviously. I however, enjoy visual novels, and I find this one to have a nice amount of choices and a plot that branches early on in the game. There are a few mini games along the way which help provide clues as you learn alchemy and uncover more bits of the story. They are pretty simple, but give a nice break from the read and click format of these types of games.

Concept: 10/10 The story is very unique, very dark, very sad, touching, and beautiful. The characters are all interesting, and the minigames are simple but fun. The nature of it being a visual novel, also ensures lots of routes and plot branches which increase the replay value. It’s a very original concept for a visual novel; I’ve not played anything quite like this. It’s executed well and given life by a talented team of voice actors and beautiful anime gothic styled artwork.

Characters: 6/10 The love between the brother and sister and their two characters are very well developed; however, I feel most of the other characters are forgettable and not as well fleshed out as the main characters.

Graphics: 8/10  It has a unique art style, reminds me a bit of Vampire Hunter D. I prefer a more clean / kawaii style; but that obviously would not fit with a game like this which is gothic and dark. The character designs are more european with the longer noses and more stylized lines. The clothing and fashion in the game is very beautiful and reminiscent of the Victorian era. – Loses 2 points for not having anime cut-scenes, but the sprites and backgrounds are still lovely.

Music: 5/10 Nothing special here, it fits the mood of the scene; but I can’t recall any tracks which stood out in my mind. Just “average”

Voice Acting: 10/10 I love the voice acting in this game, I think it really fits the characters and fits the dark mood of the game, they have so much emotion, and really make you feel the characters’ pain and desperation. I really appreciate that they left the Japanese voices in the game, which is what fans of these styles of games want. I wish more companies did this.

Final Scores:

Story: 9/10

Gameplay: 8/10

Concept: 10/10

Characters: 6/10

Graphics: 8/10

Music: 5/10

Voice Acting: 10/10

Geeky: 2/5

Sweetie: 5/5 read more

Lufia The Fortress of Doom Review SNES Retro RPG Videogame

Title: Lufia the Fortress of Doom

Genre: RPG

Release Date: December 1993

Platform: SNES

Publisher: Taito

Where to Buy: Amazon has a few used copies in stock from time to time; at time of this review, it’s priced around $68 You can keep an eye on this page on amazon to see when copies become available. You may also have good luck searching on ebay for a used copy of the game.

Geeky Factor: 

Sweetie Factor: 

Overall: 52/70 74% C “Good Game For Girls”

Concept: 8/10 This is the first game in the Lufia series if you look at release date; however, several “prequels” were released that take place prior to the events in this game. The order that you play them in does not matter much since several decades elapse between each point in the storyline; if you have time for only one game, I recommend Lufia II Rise of the Sinistrals (Which we’ve recently reviewed in our new Lufia II Rise of the Sinistrals Review ) over this original game. The pequel improves on almost every aspect of this title, including storyline, character development, gameplay, and graphics. But the first game is still a great rpg with a touching story full of plot twists and challenging gameplay. The game begins by playing a group of heroes (who are the stars of the prequel) in the final stretch of their journey to seal away ancient evil powers known as the Sinistrals. After some brief gameplay and story, the time skips ahead almost 100 years into the future, and you are playing as the descendant of these heroes. The world has been peaceful and uneventful until now; but now the ancient evil that your ancestors faced has reawakened and you must follow in their footsteps to save the world once again. Lufia’s strength as a whole has always been its rather challenging puzzle solving elements that are presented as you explore various dungeons. There’s also many different side quests and things to explore in each game which give players a break from the main story.

Story: 8/10 As mentioned above the concept of the game is that you are the direct descendant of heroes who faced great evil almost 100 years ago. You play as a young knight serving your kingdom, and you have a childhood friend who mysteriously turned up in your village 10 years ago with no memories of her past that serves as a love interest for the main character. The game is more about Lufia than your main character who is more just like a sidekick as far as story and character development go. Lufia has a very strange past which slowly emerges as you play the game and really becomes the main focus and catalyst of the storyline later on. The storyline is very touching, and you can really feel the love that has developed between the hero and Lufia. The real game (after the prologue) begins when a nearby village is attacked by someone claiming to be one of the defeated sinistrals. As a knight, it’s your duty to go help the villagers and when you arrive, you come face to face with the Sinistral Gades for yourself. After learning that the Sinistrals have reawakened you begin your journey to help save the world once again. The story does start out rather slow, so I deducted a few points there. It suffers from some bad dialogue at times too, being either bland or cringe worthy at times. However, the plot twists and the love story that slowly emerges, as well as the shocking truth about Lufia’s past make the storyline a very rewarding experience that’s well worth the somewhat slow start.

Characters: 5/10 Your party consists of 4 characters, the hero, his childhood friend Lufia, Aguro a knight from a neighboring village, and Jerin, a healer who later becomes a love-rival for Lufia. The characters are not as well developed as in Lufia 2. With the only character who’s strongly well developed being Lufia herself. Lufia and the love that you feel for her are very emotionally engaging. However, the other two party members often feel flat and lifeless. The main hero is left somewhat generic to allow the player to better immerse and imagine themselves in the role of the hero. This can sometimes make the main character feel more cold and uncaring than if he also had a well developed backstory and personality. The character dialogue can also be cheesy or fall flat at times which can detract from the emotional impact of the storyline.

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Gameplay: 8/10 This is a typical “90s RPG” featuring turn based combat, dungeon crawling, (lots of) random enemy encounters, and puzzle solving. You level up and learn new skills and spells, travel from town to town, purchase new equipment, talk to NPCs, and take on side quests as you progress through the main story. There’s nothing terribly innovative here; but the puzzles and monsters can be quite challenging which makes this series very fun for those looking for a challenge. One of the most challenging features is the “Ancient Cave” which has 100 levels and I think it may be procedurely generated if I remember correctly. Each level features better loot, but increasingly difficult monster encounters. This area is completely optional, but most players will want to explore this dungeon to level up their party and acquire some of the best in-game items. This is a linear rpg (as most games where back then) with little in the ways of customization and no replay value or incentive for multiple playthroughs (so I deducted a couple of points there).  If you love traditional retro RPGs, that’s what we have here, so you should be right at home in Lufia Fortress of Doom.

Music: 10/10 The soundtrack to Lufia is very memorable, maybe one of the best back in the 90s (aside from “big name” games such as final fantasy). The sound effects and ambient sounds also help to immerse the player into the world of Lufia and help set the mood for each point in the story.

Graphics: 7/10 The graphics are dated by today’s standards of course, but back in its time, Lufia had some of the most vivid and colorful graphics around. One flaw in the graphics may be in the combat system, as you are shown a row of enemies in the middle of your screen, and beneath that, 4 status bars representing your 4 party members, with a small animated sprite in the right hand side of each bar. It seems odd to present the statistical info more prominently than the characters themselves. The game is also often criticized for reusing several graphics and not having enough variety in level or monster design.

Overall: 52/70 74% C “Good Game For Girls”

Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Announced at E3, Breaks Records for Fastest Kickstarter Campaign to Reach $1M

Just as exciting as the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Read our news coverage here: ), Another big announcement of a long-time fan-requested game, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki announced at lastnight’s Playstation Live Stream E3 Event that he had just created a Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue 3. Shortly after the announcement, the kickstarter for Shemue 3 set a ground breaking record of being the fastest kickstarter campaign ever to reach $1,000,000 in funding. I know when I was trying to visit the kickstarter page lastnight the servers were timing out and going nuts. Several news outlets are reporting that it achieved it’s funding goal of $2,000,000 in under 9 hours, and is continueing to earn donations. As of the time of this writing it’s nearing $2.5 million in less than 12 hours since being announced.

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If you back the game via Kickstarter you get a lot of neat perks. For example, for just $5 you will get a personalized thank-you message from Yu Suzuki as well as the opportunity to take part in forums and polls to put ideas into the upcoming game. A mere $29 donation will earn you a digital copy of the game on your choice of either PS4 or PC. Going up from there, many other goodies are available, including your name in the credits, early access to alpha and beta versions of the game, and phyical goods too such as sound tracks, clothing, toys, artwork, and more.

There are numerous stretch goals too, including a skill-tree system and rapport system (maybe similar to a dating-sim type of element) and translations into several other languages around the world. Don’t worry, English and Japanese are defaultly included in the kickstarter’s original funding estimates.

The announcement was made lastnight at E3, and revealed both a game trailer and gameplay footage of the development already underway on this exciting and beloved sequel. Check out the reveal from lastnight’s E3 2015 Show below. And then go to the official kickstarter page here: to read more about the production team, game concept, and check out all the goodies you can get with your donation.

The game has a projected release date of December 2017.

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015. Check out the trailer below and prepare to fangirl over this news. SquareEnix first teased the audience with an overly cute and juvenile new Final Fantasy game on Playstation Vita, titled Final Fantasy Worlds. The rumors were crazy all week long that SquareEnix would announce a full Final Fantasy 7 Remake at this year’s E3 – This is NOT the PC to PS4 port that was announced last year. Oh no, this is a brand new game, built from the ground up to reimagine the cult classic RPG of our generation, for a brand new generation of gamers. Details are scarce. No release date, no idea if it will stick to it’s roots and be a traditional JRPG with turn-based combat, or if it will branch out into newer gameplay methods to attract a wider audience (while perhaps turning away long-time fans).

I have always felt that Final Fantasy 7 is the most Over-rated RPG of all times (I can hear the boo’s and hisses already). But it really was not well written and the characters were incredibly boring… However, I felt that advent children filled in the holes that were always missing from the original story. It gave the characters more heart and personality. Tifa was no longer brainless T&A fanservice. Cloud seemed less cold and more compassionate. And Rude and Reno were hilarious.

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This time Final Fantasy 7 is being directed by Tetsuya Nomura who directed and did character design for the Advent Children movie. Because of this, we get a grittier, darker, more realistic world and character designs in the upcoming FF7 Remake. But do not fear, because long time fans can look forward to the return of Yoshinori Kitase and Kazushige Nojima who worked on the original Final Fantasy 7 back on the PS1. They will be handling production and scenario writing, just as they did back in 1997.

The FF7 remake will first be released on PS4 and then likely get ported to other consoles and PC. It is unclear how long it will remain exclusive on PS4. This will make buying a PS4 worth it for many fans of the original Final Fantasy 7.

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This long overdue remake is receiving crazy amounts of attention and probably stole the entire show for this year’s E3. Check out the Trailer, and leave a comment below discussing what you hope to see in the new game!

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