Indie Gala Every Monday Bundle 66: Start Your Week In Japan – a Great Bundle for Visual Novel Fans

I just got an email from Indie Gala about their Every Monday Bundle. And I jumped on it. It included the following games for just $1.99!

Eden* I already have Eden* and it’s a great kinetic novel. What’s a kinetic novel? It might as well be a digital comic book, because all you do is read and look at images. It is NOT a visual novel because it does not have ANY choices or decisions for the player to make. ALL you do is read, and click, and read, and click. So if this turns you off, be warned. I bought it when it first came out assuming it had a branching plot IE I thought it was a visual novel, however IT DOES NOT. SO KEEP THAT IN MIND! It’s still a really really emotionally moving story, with some gorgeous artwork. read more

Celestian Tales: Old North: An Indie Developed Suikoden Inspired Anime RPG

In the midst of E3 and steam summer sale, Ekuator Games, a quiet little indie developer from Indonesia, prepares to launch their “loving homage” to Suikoden. Featuring “moral based storylines” and “6 different perspectives” — I can’t wait to play this one. Looks good~

This title was recently funded on Kickstarter, and is quietly preparing to come to a PC near you in the coming weeks.

Check out the Gameplay Trailer:

The developers are worried that if they launch right now, they will not have a captive audience due to so much hype around E3 and the Steam Summer Sale, so they are working on polishing up a few last minute details and plan to release it in a few weeks. Stay tuned for launch details on the developer’s website. read more

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