Konami NOT stopping development of AAA titles for Console or PC

Did I call this one or what? Last week, rumors abounded that Konami was exiting the gaming market once again (this rumor ALREADY happened earlier this year). Can we finally put this rumor to bed now please? As I wrote in my article here: Konami Reportedly Stops Making Games, Internet Goes Crazy Over Rumors I advised gamers to not get too upset, and boy was I right. Konami ONCE AGAIN denied rumors that they are exiting the console and pc marketplace.

Yesterday, Nintendo Life Reported that they had spoken to Konami and received the following response in regards to these rumors:

“After reaching out to Konami, they were told that, ‘I can promise you that we’re definitely not leaving Metal Gear behind or anything like that. I know some blogs were claiming that online this morning, but I’m not really sure where they’d be getting that from.

“We’re still definitely working on console games and franchises such as Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, PES and all the rest.'”

You can see the full details over at Nintendo Life: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/09/konami_denies_that_it_is_walking_away_from_aaa_game_development

Konami is not going any where folks. There you have it. Just as I predicted last week!

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