Persona 5 Royal is Far Too Long!

Persona 5 Royal: When More Isn’t Always Better

As a long-time aficionado of Atlus games, I’ve delved deep into the worlds they’ve created, from the enigmatic corridors of “Shin Megami Tensei” to the perplexing puzzles of “Catherine” and the vibrant stages of “Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.” Each game has offered a unique narrative, rich with character development and compelling gameplay. Yet, there’s a hiccup in my admiration for Atlus’s creations, particularly with “Persona 5 Royal” — a game that, despite its brilliance, challenges my patience with its length. read more

Persona 5 delayed until Summer 2016

Persona 5 took center stage at Tokyo Game Show 2015 with a new Trailer (see it below); however, it also brought with it, the sad news that the game is being delayed once again, now with an estimated release date of Summer 2016. I’m disapointed by this news, as it was reported that the special Persona 5 event was in order to announce the “exact” release date. Not only do we not have an “exact” release date, but we learn that the game is once again delayed, and not even first quarter 2016, but instead, almost a full year from now – and that’s just for the Japanese gamers; the rest of us can probably expect an even longer wait.

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Oh well, gives me time to save up to buy a PS4 before the release. While we wait, check out the new trailer below:

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New LEAKED Trailers for Persona 5! NEW RARE Never Before Seen! New Footage. UPDATE.

UPDATE: another trailer was revealed at Tokyo Game Show, along with news that the game has been delayed until Summer 2016. Read more and watch the newest trailer in my new blog post over here.

My original post with footage released on Jun 30, 2015 is below:

Youtube has been buzzing all week with NEW leaked gameplay footage and new TRAILERS for Atlus’ upcoming rpg, Persona 5. Atlus disapointed fans at this year’s E3 by showing the same trailer they had already released. Now it seems some perhaps intentional leaks are coming in to help promote their cult classic RPG franchise. The game will be available this fall on both PS3 and PS4. i’m a huge Persona fangirl, and this title is a must-own in my opinion. I’m dying to find out what variations, if any, will exist between the PS3 and PS4 versions. Maybe it’s time for me to buy a PS4 for this game although I already have a PS3.

Check out all of the game trailers below!

P5 PV02 by personacentral

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