Koe – a JRPG to learn Japanese Vocabulary Kickstarter

Koe is an upcoming JRPG styled game by an indie UK developer that is intended to teach players Japanese Vocabulary in a game that draws inspiration from Pokemon and Final Fantasy.

The game has already reached the funding goals and there is already progress being made. The dev team has run into some delays but hope to soon release a demo to those who have backed the game via kickstarter or paypal.

The developers also note that all of the artwork is placeholder at this time and will be replaced in the final version. It looks like quite the interesting, and perhaps educational, little game. Check out the trailer below: read more

Persona 5 delayed until Summer 2016

Persona 5 took center stage at Tokyo Game Show 2015 with a new Trailer (see it below); however, it also brought with it, the sad news that the game is being delayed once again, now with an estimated release date of Summer 2016. I’m disapointed by this news, as it was reported that the special Persona 5 event was in order to announce the “exact” release date. Not only do we not have an “exact” release date, but we learn that the game is once again delayed, and not even first quarter 2016, but instead, almost a full year from now – and that’s just for the Japanese gamers; the rest of us can probably expect an even longer wait. read more

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