Review Get Fit with Walk it Out Konami Wii Game

I recently began revamping my lifestyle to try to be healthier. To that end, as part of this healthier lifestyle, I began to play some of my old wii games that encourage you to get up off the couch and get active while playing the games. My favorite “weight loss” game has always been Konami’s “Walk it Out” for the original Wii. Yes, Wii U can play wii games in case you’re wondering. However, the switch cannot.

It is worth mentioning that while Wii games can be beneficial to help motivate you to want to lose weight, they are probably not as effective or strenuous as other forms of exercise. I make no claims that playing these games will help you lose a significant amount of weight, but if you’re like me (and millions of other Americans) who absolutely hate exercising to the point where you have one of those on the wall and haven’t used it in the 2 years it’s been hanging there, well then it’s one of those “better than nothing” things. Sure, you can go join a gym, or buy expensive exercise machines and equipment, but if you can’t motivate yourself to actually work out, then you’re not any better off. I can motivate myself to play Walk It Out because it’s actually FUN. – Now you may think exercising and going to the gym, or playing sports is fun – and that’s cool – but that’s you, and you have to remember not everyone has the same idea of what “fun” is. So I ask you to please respect that different people look at fitness in different ways. read more

Improving Your Game: 3 Reasons No Arcade Fighting Game Lover Should Be Without An Arcade Stick

Improving Your Game: 3 Reasons No Arcade Fighting Game Lover Should Be Without An Arcade Stick

Gamepads are typically the preferred controller when playing video games. However, taking a look at the benefits of opting for an arcade stick, also known as a fight stick, it makes sense why one would want to make a switch.

Arcade sticks are easier to hold and press buttons.

One reason arcade sticks are better than their gamepad counterparts is that you have more control over buttons as they are all on one flat surface. Because of this flat surface, sticks can be placed on a lap, floor, or table during gameplay. Unlike gamepads, one doesn’t have to worry about holding the controller in place, making arcade sticks easier on the arms. read more

Video Games by the Numbers


Like many of my readers, I have been playing games for over 3 decades now. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of hours spent playing games like Super Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country on my SNES with my friends, or time spent immersing in the stories of RPG classics back in the 16 and 32 bit era such as Lunar on the Sega CD or Zelda on the SNES and N64.

Video games have a long history and continue to entertain new generations of kids who are growing up gaming, just like they did back in the 80s and 90s. read more

Countdown to Black Friday with New Deals Every Day on Amazon

Amazon just launched their Black Friday Pre-sale event. You can check back every day for new items at…

Already they are offering up some pretty sweet deals for geeks and gamers. I recommend bookmarking and checking back as often as possible. I’m hoping for a PS4 Bundle or Console to go on sale. I have enough already to purchase, but since it is that time of year, saving some money never hurts, and I’ve waited this long already to get myself the newest consoles, so might as well hang in there a few more weeks and see what happens! read more

MappyLand – 8bit Nintendo – Retro Game Review – 1986

MappyLand was one of my favorite games as a little kid. And I must’ve been super little – since I would have only been 5 years old at the release of this game.

It plays a lot like Mario Bros. in that you run, jump, and climb your way through the levels. You play as a cute mouse collecting items in each level to give to his girlfriend while avoiding and distracting all of the cats. – Although simple, it is a cute concept, which is maybe why it appealed to me so much when I was little. read more

Rumor: Mother 3 Getting Official English Release in 2016

2016 marks the 10th anniversary of Mother 3 – known to gamers in the west as “Earthbound” – Lately, there have been a lot of rumors online, including some started by people from within Nintendo which indicate that we MAY be getting an official English release of the game now a decade after it’s original release in Japan.

Even if the rumors prove false, you can play Mother 3 in English already right now today. You can always purchase the Japanese cart and patch it with the free 100% completed English fan translation which you can get here. If you need help on where to buy the cart for the game, check out Play-Asia who specializes in Japanese import games. There’s also some available that are already “pre-patched” which saves you the trouble of patching it yourself on sites like ebay and amazon here for about $25 read more

Amazon Prime now gives 20% off all New Game Releases and Preorders

Have you been trying to justify an Amazon Prime Membership? Well if you’re a gamer, here’s the perfect reason to join Amazon Prime! I’m going to join next time before I purchase a new release or preorder another game. I already use Amazon when I want a physical copy of a game anyways (still mostly rely on steam for the digital, though I think this discount also applies to digital stuff too!), so why not take advantage of this awesome Prime benefit?!

This is not just a “sale” or an “offer” – This is a FEATURE – a permanent benefit to being an Amazon Prime Member. read more

Bundles and Black Friday Deals Make Christmas Bright for Girl Gamers

This is just a collection of things I’ve come across this week that other gamer girls out there may find interesting. It’s the biggest shopping weekend in the USA, and many digital retailers are also offering deals as well as deals in store for many electronics.

Both Kohls and Walmart will have the PS4 for $299 on Black Friday. – I’m hoping to maybe be lucky enough to pick one up but I did just get an Iphone so I don’t know if I’ll have the $$$$ for a PS4 right now, which is fine anyways since the game I really want (Persona 5) got delayed til summer 2016 anyways. And I also really need a new PC – mine is finally starting to lose it’s ability to play some nextgen games (such as Fallout 4). Which I realize isn’t even the most graphically intensive game out there; but I only have a middle of the line Acer that’s 2+ years old now (only cost me about 600 originally, compared to my previous rig, an Alien ware which cost me like 1300 (But last me for 2-3 times longer). So The PS4 $$$ could be half the payment of a new PC too. Still do want PS4 though — and a Wii U 🙂 I don’t normally play graphically intensive games, but ocassionally I do such as the new fallout So I need to get a better PC at some point. read more

Which Video Game Console Should I Buy?

The question that never dies, “Which console is best?” It has fans fiercely defending their champion console while bashing rival consoles; but what everyone fails to realize is, the console is only as good as the games available on that console. I’m talking about exclusive titles for those systems. With the holidays almost upon us, I hope you will find this information useful if shopping for a new gaming device for yourself or for a gift for someone else.

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Churbles – Adorable Zelda-Like Action RPG with Anime Style Hamsters

Note: This is only a Preview. I’ve no hands on experience with this game; I just wanted to make my readers aware of this adorable little indie title. It is still in development, and no “public” beta test will be held – they are only allowing those who backed their now closed Kickstarter campaign to test the game. So the rest of us will have to wait. When it releases, it will be a cross platform game available on all current gen systems including PC, PS4, Xbone, and WiiU.

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Will they Dub SMTXFE # And If So, Will They Keep The Option To Play The Game in Japanese with Subtitles?

The big question on my mind after seeing this gameplay on the Nintendo Treehouse. (see clip below at end of article), is this, Will we North American fans get to enjoy the game the way it is intended? During the live play through at E3 (which is almost an hour long, and awesome by the way.) They had the creator (and his translator) in the room to describe the hard work that went into making this game. The thing that stood out to me was the difficulty they had in casting perfect voice actors. ALL of the actors do all their own singing in this game. ALL of the dances have been choreographed by real dance professionals, and that choreography is intended to match the Japanese vocals obviously. read more

Nintendo Announces Not Just One, But 2 Fire Emblem Games at E3 2015

Nintendo just made Fire Emblem, and Shin Megami Tensei Fans very happy with the following two announcements.

Coming to America in 2016

First up, Fire Emblem Fates describes Fire Emblem Fates as “Developed by the same team that created Fire Emblem Awakening, the new adventure adds challenges never before seen in the series and asks players to make decisions that will affect the game’s world in new ways.” They also tell us that the game, known as Fire Emblem IF in Japan was released as 2 separate games. Further research uncovers that these 2 versions feature completely different storylines and different battles as well. They were subtitled Midnight Sun and Dark Night Kingdom. Nintendo did not announce which version(s) would be coming over to the US at this time. read more

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