Improving Your Game: 3 Reasons No Arcade Fighting Game Lover Should Be Without An Arcade Stick

Improving Your Game: 3 Reasons No Arcade Fighting Game Lover Should Be Without An Arcade Stick

Gamepads are typically the preferred controller when playing video games. However, taking a look at the benefits of opting for an arcade stick, also known as a fight stick, it makes sense why one would want to make a switch.

Arcade sticks are easier to hold and press buttons.

One reason arcade sticks are better than their gamepad counterparts is that you have more control over buttons as they are all on one flat surface. Because of this flat surface, sticks can be placed on a lap, floor, or table during gameplay. Unlike gamepads, one doesn’t have to worry about holding the controller in place, making arcade sticks easier on the arms.

Not being required to hold a stick in one’s hands also means that one has more fingers to use for buttons. Thus, some find that their performance soars. However, with gamepads, your thumbs and index fingers are heavily relied on, and it is difficult to use any other fingers as you must hold the controller with both hands.

Their inputs are speedier and more precise.

One can expect faster and smoother gameplay when choosing a fight stick over a pad controller. With this in mind, arcade fight sticks live up to their name; they are essential for fighting games where speed and precision are potent factors.

Gamepads just aren’t as responsive the way sticks are, which makes pads more reliant on the player’s quick cognition and control. Even if a player is fast at processing and responding, things are more up-to-speed with arcade sticks hands down. One has a fairer shot at earning a higher score when it comes to better inputs offered by sticks.

Hitbox controller dominates all

When talking about responsiveness and advantage over gamepads, you have to take into consideration the Hitbox controller. If you have never seen one, it’s basically a “stickless” arcade stick. Instead of having a joystick or a lever of some sorts, on a Hitbox, you will find four more buttons, which are the directional inputs.

This may not sound like a lot to a casual player, but to competitive player that means a lot! Whilst you won’t be to input two opposite directions on a normal arcade stick, the Hitbox allows you to do that, thus performing a “neutral” stance. The Hitbox also has way faster execution than a normal stick or gamepad making it a way more powerful tool in the hands of a good player!

After the release of Hitbox controllers, other another brand stepped up the game in the unfair controllers business.
A new type of Hitbox was introduced to the market called “Mixbox”. This is a controller made for players coming from PC, since its directional input is specifically made to resemble the “W, A, S, D” keyboard layout. Though most of the fighting game community would argue that the Hitbox is still better than the Mixbox, because of the “up” directional input.

Having said that, it’s also important to mention that the Hitbox and Mixbox are “banned” in most fighting game tournaments, because of their advantages over normal controllers. This was suggested from the fighting game community, since otherwise, all professional players had to move to Hitbox controllers in order to have a fair chance of beating their opponents.

Fight sticks are quite versatile.

Many gamers find that when purchasing a new gamepad or using one of their friend’s, there is a period of adjustment that goes on. Gamepads vary in width, height, and weight; button placement and color; and even texture. Getting used to another gamepad temporarily decreases your performance as you get used to buttons being placed elsewhere or to how the controller feels in your hands. Any one gamepad will not be best for all. Individuals with smaller hands or longer, bigger fingers may find that only certain gamepads are suitable.

Coming to arcade sticks, these controllers are more alike from stick to stick. Switch from one arcade stick to the next, and one typically has no issue adjusting. Buttons tend to be similar in size and placement, and there isn’t a need to find a controller that is suitable for one’s hands because, for obvious reasons, arcade sticks aren’t held with the hands.

Fortunately, one still has plenty of styles and colors at hand when picking among the best PS4 arcade sticks. You can find an aesthetically-appealing stick without worrying if it will be as functional from one to another.


When it comes down to the best video game controller, opting between gamepads and arcade sticks is a matter of preference. However, it can be said that sticks are easier to hold and use, have quicker and more accurate inputs, and are more versatile for the majority.

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