Bundles and Black Friday Deals Make Christmas Bright for Girl Gamers

This is just a collection of things I’ve come across this week that other gamer girls out there may find interesting. It’s the biggest shopping weekend in the USA, and many digital retailers are also offering deals as well as deals in store for many electronics.

Both Kohls and Walmart will have the PS4 for $299 on Black Friday. – I’m hoping to maybe be lucky enough to pick one up but I did just get an Iphone so I don’t know if I’ll have the $$$$ for a PS4 right now, which is fine anyways since the game I really want (Persona 5) got delayed til summer 2016 anyways. And I also really need a new PC – mine is finally starting to lose it’s ability to play some nextgen games (such as Fallout 4). Which I realize isn’t even the most graphically intensive game out there; but I only have a middle of the line Acer that’s 2+ years old now (only cost me about 600 originally, compared to my previous rig, an Alien ware which cost me like 1300 (But last me for 2-3 times longer). So The PS4 $$$ could be half the payment of a new PC too. Still do want PS4 though — and a Wii U šŸ™‚ I don’t normally play graphically intensive games, but ocassionally I do such as the new fallout So I need to get a better PC at some point. read more

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