Conception II: Children of the Stars Review


Title: Conception II: Children of the Stars Review

Genre: RPG (with some dating sim and city building elements)

Platform: 3DS or PSVita / PSTV

Publisher: Atlus

Release Date: April 15, 2014

Language: English (text and voice acting) (or you can import the Japanese original game with Japanese text and Japanese audio)

Geeky Factor

Sweetie Factor

Overall: 64/80 80% B- “Very Good Game For Girls”

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Lucky Rabbit Reflex Otome Game Part of Groupees Mini Bundle 4

Lucky Rabbit Reflex is an excellent Otome Game and right now, while supplies last, it can be yours for $2.50 – what’s more it includes several other “story rich” styled games including Evoland, Joe’s Diner, Nightclub Emporium, and some game called Slave Trade (which sounds rather offensive and tacky to me, but hey, it’s free – the other games are worth $2.50 — Lucky Rabbit Reflex alone is worth that!

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King’s Quest To Get a Sequel King’s Quest IX on July 28th 2015.

I think I recall hearing about this a year or two ago… but it fell to the back of my mind… until a facebook ad told me to like Sierra Games for updates on the “new” king’s quest game.

Upon clicking that ad, I saw the game is about to release on July 28th…. and I SPAZZED OUT. I can barely contain myself to even write this right now…

I own ALL of the games. My favorite is “heir today, gone tomorrow” because it was the first one I played 🙂

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New LEAKED Trailers for Persona 5! NEW RARE Never Before Seen! New Footage. UPDATE.

UPDATE: another trailer was revealed at Tokyo Game Show, along with news that the game has been delayed until Summer 2016. Read more and watch the newest trailer in my new blog post over here.

My original post with footage released on Jun 30, 2015 is below:

Youtube has been buzzing all week with NEW leaked gameplay footage and new TRAILERS for Atlus’ upcoming rpg, Persona 5. Atlus disapointed fans at this year’s E3 by showing the same trailer they had already released. Now it seems some perhaps intentional leaks are coming in to help promote their cult classic RPG franchise. The game will be available this fall on both PS3 and PS4. i’m a huge Persona fangirl, and this title is a must-own in my opinion. I’m dying to find out what variations, if any, will exist between the PS3 and PS4 versions. Maybe it’s time for me to buy a PS4 for this game although I already have a PS3. read more

Indie Gala Every Monday Bundle 66: Start Your Week In Japan – a Great Bundle for Visual Novel Fans

I just got an email from Indie Gala about their Every Monday Bundle. And I jumped on it. It included the following games for just $1.99!

Eden* I already have Eden* and it’s a great kinetic novel. What’s a kinetic novel? It might as well be a digital comic book, because all you do is read and look at images. It is NOT a visual novel because it does not have ANY choices or decisions for the player to make. ALL you do is read, and click, and read, and click. So if this turns you off, be warned. I bought it when it first came out assuming it had a branching plot IE I thought it was a visual novel, however IT DOES NOT. SO KEEP THAT IN MIND! It’s still a really really emotionally moving story, with some gorgeous artwork. read more

Dragon Age (Franchise) Review


Title: Dragon Age (Note this is a broad review for the series as a whole, not necessarily for each individual game)
Genre: Action-RPG
Publisher: Bioware
Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Xbox One
Where to Purchase: Amazon

Overall: 77/100 77% C+ Good Game For Girls



Concept: 10/10 Dragon Age is one of my favorite “Western” RPG series. It was one of the first western-developed RPGs to feature a branching plot, where decisions you make impact the storyline in a meaningful way. It also had some dating sim type elements and allowed for gender neutral relationships. You could date anyone of any sex, species, race, etc. read more

Why Iphone 6 Plus is the best Smartphone for Female Gamers

I’m currently lusting after an Iphone 6 Plus, but by time I fulfill my contract, to get the upgrade discount, I’m pretty sure the Iphone 7 will be out. I’ve never owned an Iphone. I had androids for years, ever since the first motorola droid, with the slide out keyboard. About a year ago now I bought a windows phone. I’m always an early adopter of technology, but windows is very disappointing in two areas. First, the app store, no good games, despite, Microsoft’s recent announcement that windows 10 will allow developers to easily port their games to the platform at just the switch of a button. Secondly, no accessories available for the phone in store, some may be available online, but really, I feel jealous of all the cool accessories and cute beautification elements that go into the Iphone. read more

Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Announced at E3, Breaks Records for Fastest Kickstarter Campaign to Reach $1M

Just as exciting as the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Read our news coverage here: ), Another big announcement of a long-time fan-requested game, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki announced at lastnight’s Playstation Live Stream E3 Event that he had just created a Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue 3. Shortly after the announcement, the kickstarter for Shemue 3 set a ground breaking record of being the fastest kickstarter campaign ever to reach $1,000,000 in funding. I know when I was trying to visit the kickstarter page lastnight the servers were timing out and going nuts. Several news outlets are reporting that it achieved it’s funding goal of $2,000,000 in under 9 hours, and is continueing to earn donations. As of the time of this writing it’s nearing $2.5 million in less than 12 hours since being announced. read more

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Revealed at E32015. Check out the trailer below and prepare to fangirl over this news. SquareEnix first teased the audience with an overly cute and juvenile new Final Fantasy game on Playstation Vita, titled Final Fantasy Worlds. The rumors were crazy all week long that SquareEnix would announce a full Final Fantasy 7 Remake at this year’s E3 – This is NOT the PC to PS4 port that was announced last year. Oh no, this is a brand new game, built from the ground up to reimagine the cult classic RPG of our generation, for a brand new generation of gamers. Details are scarce. No release date, no idea if it will stick to it’s roots and be a traditional JRPG with turn-based combat, or if it will branch out into newer gameplay methods to attract a wider audience (while perhaps turning away long-time fans). read more

Anime Styled Games and Games Based Upon Anime

I made this list in response to a forum question at However, the list was so long that it broke the thread, preventing anyone else from replying.

Some formatting may look odd until I have time to reformat this. I just wanted to move it off the forums to try to unbreak the thread in question.

Are you looking for just anime STYLED games with anime-ish graphics? Or games actually BASED upon an existing anime series?

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Valkyrie Profile Review

Valkyrie Profile Review:
Title: Valkyrie Profile
Publisher: Tri-Ace and Squaresoft (Square-Enix)
Release Date: PS1 2000; PSP 2006
Platforms: Playstation 1, Playstation Portable

Overall Score: 51/70 72.86% C- Good Game For Girls

Where to Buy: The Playstation One Disc is Regarded as a Collector’s Edition and goes for upwards of $400 on places like ebay and amazon. You can see the current value of this edition here: LINK

Meanwhile, the PSP version is a more reasonably priced alternative, at just $50 – It’s also very rare, at time of this writing only one copy was available on Amazon which you can track here: LINK read more

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Review

lunar 2 eternal blue | lunar | lunar eternal blue | lunar eb | lunar tsst | lunar silver star | lunar the silver star story | lunar harmony | lunar walking school | lunar magic school | lunar ss | sega cd | saturn | playstation | psp
lunar 2 eternal blue | lunar | lunar eternal blue | lunar eb | lunar tsst | lunar silver star | lunar the silver star story | lunar harmony | lunar walking school | lunar magic school | lunar ss | sega cd | saturn | playstation | psp


Lunar Eternal Blue Review by Geeky Sweetie

Title: Lunar Eternal Blue

Genre: RPG

Publisher: GameArts / Studio Alex (Japan) / Working Designs (USA)

This review is of the english version(s) by Working Designs which feature english text and english voice acting.

Geeky Factor: 3/5 

Sweetie Factor: 5/5 

Story: 10/10

The story of Eternal Blue takes place long after Silver Star Story. In my opinion, Eternal Blue is the better of the two games, but last time I checked, that seemed to be a minority opinion. No previous experience with silver star is required to enjoy eternal blue. In fact, I played eternal blue first, back on the sega cd, and later purchased silver star after completing eternal blue. I have played all of the lunar games in all of their iterations including some that are not very good such as dragon song and walking school. read more

Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You Review


Title: Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You

Genre: Otome, Visual Novel, Dating Sim, Raising Sim

Platform: PC or Mac

Publisher: Cheritz

Release Date: August 2012

Languages: Korean or English (text)

Get the Demo Or Purchase the Full Version Here:

Geeky Factor:

Sweetie Factor: 

Story: A young girl in her new apartment discovers a basket full of abandoned animals and decides to take them in and raise them as her own; however, these are no ordinary animals. These animals have the power to transform into human-like creatures with animal ears. Now her once quiet life is about to change as she shares her home with these strange men. read more

Stein’s Gate Review


Title: Stein’s Gate

Publisher: Nitroplus & 5pb. & Kadokawa Shoten

Genre: Visual Novel

Geeky Factor: 

Sweetie Factor: 

Release Date: (Originally Released) October 2010; Preorders Now (2013) onsale for “official” English version localized by JAST USA:

Platform: PC (for the upcoming English version); the game has also been released in numerous languages for numerous consoles and mobile devices. There’s also an anime based loosely upon this game. read more

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