Video Games by the Numbers


Like many of my readers, I have been playing games for over 3 decades now. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of hours spent playing games like Super Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country on my SNES with my friends, or time spent immersing in the stories of RPG classics back in the 16 and 32 bit era such as Lunar on the Sega CD or Zelda on the SNES and N64.

Video games have a long history and continue to entertain new generations of kids who are growing up gaming, just like they did back in the 80s and 90s. read more

Beyond Two Souls Similarities to Stranger Things

I just did a guest post over on regarding my thoughts on the PS3 game “Beyond Two Souls”.

Did you know this game has many things in common with the TV Series “Stranger Things”?

For example, both Beyond Two Souls and Stranger things focus on a young girl with strange powers. In both cases, they are raised by a government figure who at first treats the girl as if he was their father, in order to gain the girl’s trust and help her learn to use her powers. In both cases, the government uses the girl to open a portal to the other side which has unintended consequences of letting spirits cross over into this world. Also in both cases, the girl runs away, only to be hunted relentlessly by the government throughout both stories. read more

Countdown to Black Friday with New Deals Every Day on Amazon

Amazon just launched their Black Friday Pre-sale event. You can check back every day for new items at…

Already they are offering up some pretty sweet deals for geeks and gamers. I recommend bookmarking and checking back as often as possible. I’m hoping for a PS4 Bundle or Console to go on sale. I have enough already to purchase, but since it is that time of year, saving some money never hurts, and I’ve waited this long already to get myself the newest consoles, so might as well hang in there a few more weeks and see what happens! read more

Sonicomi Communication English Preorders Begin. Game Release Date Scheduled for Summer 2016

Sonicomi English Preorder is now live on JLIST. Up til now, the game has only been available in Asian regions. This new English release is the original Sonicomi Game from 2011 for the PC; however, JLIST has licensed the visuals from the much improved 2014 PS3 version.

Preorder Sonicomi Communication – and use Coupon Code: MOE-22Y-E8BNV5 to get 5% off!

Gameplay puts you in the role of a professional cameraman as you photograph a “Gravure Idol” (which loosely translates to Magazine Model), the busty, pink haired, Sonico. You get scores and combos for taking better photos. Outside of the photography element, you interact with the model in visual novel fashion. read more

Christmas Nights – Sega Saturn Retro Game Review – Special Limited Edition Disc

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – at least in the Retro Sega Saturn Special Disc called Christmas Nights. I received this game as a kid when I purchased a gaming magazine (I can’t remember which magazine now though as this was back in the 90s).

But if you didn’t grow up in the 90s, you can still play Christmas Nights after beating the HD Remastered Nights into Dreams at least one time.

Christmas Nights is a special game that expands on the great gameplay of Nights into Dreams. Players can play as either Claris or Elliot and explore a Christmas themed rendition of the first level of Claris’ Spring Valley dream, including the battle with Gillwing at the end of the level. read more

Catherine PS3 Xbox 360 Visual Novel RPG Review

My copy of Catherine Love is Over for the PS3
My copy of Catherine Love is Over for the PS3


Title: Catherine

Genre: Action-RPG with Platformer and Visual Novel Elements

Publisher: Atlus

Release Date: July 2011

Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360

Where to Buy: Amazon: 360 Click here; and for PS4 Click here

There is a special Love is Over edition that included a pillow case, men’s boxers, a pizza box, tshirt, and some other goodies. I have this version and took some pictures when I got it a few years ago at release.
There’s also special box art for the 360 version, but I don’t have that, it is however, available, as well as the Love is Over edition, via the Amazon links above. The standard edition of the game costs about $12. And for PS3 you can also get the digital version. The limited edition will cost about $95. read more

Konami NOT stopping development of AAA titles for Console or PC

Did I call this one or what? Last week, rumors abounded that Konami was exiting the gaming market once again (this rumor ALREADY happened earlier this year). Can we finally put this rumor to bed now please? As I wrote in my article here: Konami Reportedly Stops Making Games, Internet Goes Crazy Over Rumors I advised gamers to not get too upset, and boy was I right. Konami ONCE AGAIN denied rumors that they are exiting the console and pc marketplace.

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Persona 5 delayed until Summer 2016

Persona 5 took center stage at Tokyo Game Show 2015 with a new Trailer (see it below); however, it also brought with it, the sad news that the game is being delayed once again, now with an estimated release date of Summer 2016. I’m disapointed by this news, as it was reported that the special Persona 5 event was in order to announce the “exact” release date. Not only do we not have an “exact” release date, but we learn that the game is once again delayed, and not even first quarter 2016, but instead, almost a full year from now – and that’s just for the Japanese gamers; the rest of us can probably expect an even longer wait. read more

New LEAKED Trailers for Persona 5! NEW RARE Never Before Seen! New Footage. UPDATE.

UPDATE: another trailer was revealed at Tokyo Game Show, along with news that the game has been delayed until Summer 2016. Read more and watch the newest trailer in my new blog post over here.

My original post with footage released on Jun 30, 2015 is below:

Youtube has been buzzing all week with NEW leaked gameplay footage and new TRAILERS for Atlus’ upcoming rpg, Persona 5. Atlus disapointed fans at this year’s E3 by showing the same trailer they had already released. Now it seems some perhaps intentional leaks are coming in to help promote their cult classic RPG franchise. The game will be available this fall on both PS3 and PS4. i’m a huge Persona fangirl, and this title is a must-own in my opinion. I’m dying to find out what variations, if any, will exist between the PS3 and PS4 versions. Maybe it’s time for me to buy a PS4 for this game although I already have a PS3. read more

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