Nintendo Direct Live In North America & In Japan Highlight Different Games Coming Soon To Nintendo Switch – Here’s What Girl Gamers Can Look Forward To.

I just watched both the English AND Japanese Nintendo Direct Lives – and it came as a little surprise to me, that they both feature some different games!! – The Japanese one looks fantastic! So many good games for girls. The North American one – not as much but still some good surprises!

You can watch both of the presentations below for yourself in full. Each one is an hour long. Each one has a few of the same games – but also some unique to each region. I hope beyond hope that most of those Japanese games will get an English release! read more

Birdie Crush Anime Multiplayer Mobile Game Golf Simulator

I just started playing Birdie Crush a few weeks ago. It has a lot going for it. First of all it has an awesome opening song that I absolutely adore. Secondly it has cute anime graphics with various costumes and equipment to collect that make it in part at least a Dressup game. Thirdly, even people that don’t like anime, like birdie crush for the golf gameplay such as my fiancé – finally found a cute game he will play with me lol .

Well what is there to say about birdie crush that hasn’t already been said? Lol. It’s a golf game. It’s free and available on both iPhone and android mobile devices. It has cute anime graphics and rare event items and costumes. read more

Injuries and Geek Life

The word geek was initially used to describe people who did not quite fit in some society’s expectations. Nowadays, a geek is simply a techie, someone who is both enthusiastic and an expert in matters of digital technology. 

By nature, geeks spend most of their time behind the computer, creating or fixing things. Global events are slowly shaping the future of work as virtual and remote. This means that more and more people will also be spending most of their time behind these screens too.

While this type of lifestyle seems short of injuries compared to work areas like construction sites and factories, it can also present serious health risks.  read more

Pine – Kickstarter Game Based On Personal Illustrations By Tom Booth

Pine is a successfully funded Kickstarter game about a grieving woodcutter who lost his wife. What makes the game unique and even more interesting is that it is based on an internet-famous set of images from illustrator Tom Booth.

For the past 3-4 years he has been creating the story of the Wood Cutter based on his own deeply personal feelings of dealing with the death of a loved one. No one knows the whole story because Tom has said he wanted to “try something different” to tell his story – so here it is. He has chosen to do a kickstarter game. read more

Beacon Pines Kickstarter Game Where Words Can Alter The Fate Of Furrie Characters

I did back a third game yesterday, but didn’t get a chance to post about it yet. If you haven’t already checked out the other two posts yesterday for Ova Magica and Coral Island you can click their names to read them now.

Beacon Pines is entirely different from the above “farming games”. Instead, Beacon Pines bills itself as a “Cute and Creepy” Adventure game where “Words You Fine Can Change The Course Of Fate”. It’s also featuring cute anamorphic or furrie characters. read more

Coral Island Kickstarter For Inclusive Farming Simulation Game

One good kickstarter deserves another I guess. This is the second kickstarter I’m blogging about today, and is in some ways quite similar to the previous Ova Magica. Both kickstarters are still active at time of this posting.

This next kickstarter is titled Coral Island, and it aims to make inclusivity a big focus of its game. Bringing in characters of different races and ethnic backgrounds.

The gameplay itself looks fun. You date the townsfolk while tending the farm. You even have children and watch them grow into teens. And the other people of the village also grow older as well. read more

Ova Magica – Adorable Farming Monster Taming Game With Inspiration From Azure Dreams

I stumbled across a pretty cute farming game on kickstarter and just had to back it. Especially after I read where their inspiration was coming from with some of my favorites listed like Azure Dreams and Jade Cocoon – and of course the usual suspects, harvest moon, pokemoon, and etc.

Almost no one nowadays remembers Azure Dreams – It’s one of my favorite games of all times. The playstation version – I heard there was a gameboy version but they removed almost all basic game mechanics like dating sim aspects and so on – never played that one – and gladly not. read more

Tell Me Why – PC Game Review – LGBT Visual Novel Puzzle Solving Adventure Game

I would best describe “Tell Me Why” as an LGBT+ visual novel puzzle solving adventure game. The gameplay is similar to Tell Tale’s Walking Dead, or D4 Dark Dreams Don’t Die, or Quantic Dreams’ Detroit Become Human, and of course DONTNOD’s other adventure games such as Life is Strange. All of which I love. So It comes as no surprise that I would then also love Tell Me Why.

So let me tell you why (pun intended lol).

Although it is a game about transgendered youth and homosexuality, and I am a straight born this way female, I have always accepted gay rights and had no issues with that being the focus of the game. Most my family has always been against gays but even from a young age I would try to argue that they should be allowed to love who they love. read more

Starry Love Anime Dressup Otome Game Review Like Love Niki, Wannabe Fashionista, or Mr Love Queen’s Choice

I just started playing “Starry Love” yesterday after seeing a Facebook ad. It’s a brand new game from someone named Modo Games whom I’ve never heard of.

The gameplay is quite similar to Love Niki, or Mr Love Queen’s Choice or Wanabe Fashionista… all of which I’ve reviewed here and all of which I definitely recommend.

When I started playing Starry Love there was only one review and it was a one star rating. Maybe someone was confused and thought one meant good and 5 meant bad.

There’s not much bad about this game so let’s get the bad stuff out of the way first. read more

Captain Marvel Super Hero(ine) Comic Movie Review About Girl Power & The Feminist Movement

I just watched Captain Marvel lastnight. For those living under a rock, Captain Marvel is the leader of Marvel’s Avengers. She’s a famous super hero(ine) and tough as nails army (airforce) girl turned super hero.

She’s not new, created by famous comic book legend, Stan Lee, and making her comic book debut in 1967.

The movie however is more recent, releasing about 2 years ago in March of 2019.

So just a heads up – yes I am a woman, but I am definitely not a feminist. I don’t really like the movement or concept that a woman can only be strong if she dresses and acts like a man. I am very much a girly girl. I don’t wear makeup (mostly cuz I’m too lazy and also have no idea how to wear it correctly lol). But I do love me some dresses, and I’d consider my personality to be more on the sweet and timid side and softly spoken, and also sometimes passionate or bubbly when I’m chatting about my interests. My interests may sometimes overlap with tomboy interests when it comes to geeky things like anime or video games, but that’s about it. I’m not into sports or whatever else most tomboy girls are into. read more

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