Nintendo Direct Live In North America & In Japan Highlight Different Games Coming Soon To Nintendo Switch – Here’s What Girl Gamers Can Look Forward To.

I just watched both the English AND Japanese Nintendo Direct Lives – and it came as a little surprise to me, that they both feature some different games!! – The Japanese one looks fantastic! So many good games for girls. The North American one – not as much but still some good surprises!

You can watch both of the presentations below for yourself in full. Each one is an hour long. Each one has a few of the same games – but also some unique to each region. I hope beyond hope that most of those Japanese games will get an English release!

I have a Japanese nintendo switch account and an American nintendo switch account – so I can play both – but I can’t read or speak or understand Japanese so… still hoping for some English releases.

Anyways here are the presentations:

North America:


I’m most excited about the following games:

North America Nintendo Switch Announcements:

Legend of Mana remake

Saga Frontier remake

Miitopia remake – now with horses and some extra costume features

Untitled Triangle Project Strategy RPG where your decisions influence the story – probably most excited about this game overall!

Famicom Detective Club – I already saw this in the upcoming release on Nintendo Eshop and immediately added both games to my wishlist. I have a MIGHTY NEED. šŸ™‚ First time in America. I’d never heard of or played any of these, but they look hella awesome.

Bravely Default 2 – I am a fan of this series and looking forward to this new game,

Skyward Sword remake – kinda “meh” about this… I rather have seen a link to the past remake (my fave) or Ocarina remake (everyone elses’ fave)

DC Super Power Teen Girls (or whatever the hell it’s called) – The voice acting is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad – damn nasty. But the game itself… might be pretty sweet. It is an action game with some life sim elements. I’m down for that. – The Japanese voice acting is SOOOOOOOOO much better and actually cute… Not annoying like the American garbage voice actresses in this game. Still… will probably play it.

World’s End Club – from the creators of dangan ronpa and zero escape – pretty excited about this one. Kinda wish it was less actiony and more live novel-ly. but I’m still looking forward to it.

So I think that covered all of the games in the North American feed that I was excited for…. which is quite a large number – there were other games, but largely they were action or shoot em up games – not my style at all.

So moving on to the Japanese version here’s what I’m really excited about that I hope will get an English release!

Japanese Nintendo Switch Announcements:

Caligula 2 – I’m a big fan of the first game. So come on and give us an English release of this one too please!

Shin-Chan’s Summer Vacation – I highly doubt we will ever get this game. As far as I know we never got the anime, any of the other games, or any of the merchandise. But this looks wholesome as fuck. I want to play this. This is the game we need right now.

Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town – We are in fact getting this game next month in English and everything – so not sure why it was so coldly left out of the North American live stream – guess they think we are all barbarians who only like to shoot and kill things – despite Animal Crossing still being the top earning game for the switch – fucking face palm…. If I’m ever a millionaire, I’ll make my own video game console and video games and hire all the Japanese developers and scenario writers and animators – and do global releases and announcements for all of the games – and focus mostly on girl games. That’s my dream anyways – equal representation for games for girls – why wasn’t it in the damn live stream? Discrimination. Makes me sad they assume that we don’t care about these games because it means fewer of these games in the future and continuing to get left behind of all these awesome games for girls that come to Japan, and sadly stay in Japan – luckily that’s NOT the case for this game. Looking forward to playing it on March 23, 2021 – In English.

“Untitled” Otome Game – Where you play as a girl cross dressing as a boy – and date boys – it’s at about 40:00 into the Japanese live stream – not sure what this game is – looks good though. We do have a pretty high track record of getting Otome games on the switch – soooo fingers crossed!

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