Sunny Side Review: A New Life Sim with Modern Twists

Introduction to Sunny Side

Sunny Side is the latest indie life simulation game that has captured the attention of gamers worldwide. Released in early 2024 by RainyGames, a small but passionate development team, Sunny Side promises a vibrant world filled with modern touches that set it apart from traditional farming sims. In this review, we’ll dive into what makes Sunny Side unique, its strengths, and its areas for improvement.

What is Sunny Side?

Game Overview

Sunny Side is a life simulation game where players can immerse themselves in a large open world, tending to farms, customizing their homes, and interacting with a diverse cast of characters. The game stands out with its inclusion of modern technology and extensive customization options, allowing players to truly make their virtual life their own. read more

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life (2023 Remake) Review

What Makes Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Remake (2023) So Wonderful Anyways?


  • Adorable and Kawaii: The game is incredibly cute, offering charming visuals and a delightful atmosphere that is sure to captivate fans of kawaii aesthetics.
  • Diverse Activities: You can grow crops, forage, cook, eat, date, get married, raise a family, expand your home, excavate, fish, and explore. The range of activities keeps gameplay engaging and varied.
  • Dynamic Systems: Features a weather and season system, along with pets and livestock to breed and raise. These systems add depth and realism to your farming experience.
  • Exploration and Discovery: The game encourages exploration, reminiscent of retro 90s JRPGs. You’ll find recipes, notes, and secrets by clicking on everything and talking to characters repeatedly until they repeat their dialogue.
  • Multiple Endings: Each playthrough can be unique with different outcomes based on your choices, providing high replay value.
  • Time Management Challenge: The game challenges you with limited time each day, adding a strategic element as you plan your activities carefully to maximize productivity.
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    Disney Dreamlight Valley Review

    I’ve spent the past month playing Disney Dreamlight valley on the Nintendo switch.

    Disney Dreamlight valley is a cute farming and life simulation game featuring memorable Disney characters past and present.

    You grow crops, cook and discover new recipes, decorate your home and village, and customize a unique avatar.

    Disney Dreamlight Valley is similar to the sims or animal crossing or harvest moon or atelier or similar simulation games.

    Is this game for you?

    Here’s my advice as a player since launch: read more

    Coral Island Kickstarter For Inclusive Farming Simulation Game

    One good kickstarter deserves another I guess. This is the second kickstarter I’m blogging about today, and is in some ways quite similar to the previous Ova Magica. Both kickstarters are still active at time of this posting.

    This next kickstarter is titled Coral Island, and it aims to make inclusivity a big focus of its game. Bringing in characters of different races and ethnic backgrounds.

    The gameplay itself looks fun. You date the townsfolk while tending the farm. You even have children and watch them grow into teens. And the other people of the village also grow older as well. read more

    My Horse Stories – Horse Sim Game Review

    So yesterday I reviewed 2 horse racing games, Horse Haven, and Rival Stars Racing.

    Today I am sharing yet another Horse Simulation game – this time it is a mobile game called My Horse Stories. I am not very far yet into this one. I just started playing it late last night. I haven’t even bred my own horse yet, just still using the first horse I purchased at the market.

    I might not have all the right information to give a super accurate review, but I just want to give like an early impression review. read more

    Stardew Valley Review

    As mentioned in another post here, I spent much of this past weekend playing Stardew Valley on the PC. Stardew Valley is a game that harkens back memories of popular retro games such as Harvest Moon and Rune Factory. The game is fun and relaxing… however, like most games in this genre, the gameplay can get tedious and repetitive at times. Stardew Valley also suffers significant development delays and setbacks, which is not surprising considering the entire game, from the graphics, to music, to programming, was all made by just one person. It doesn’t get anymore “indie” than that. Despite these few small flaws, the game is one of the highest rated Steam games of all time with nearly 50,000 Overwhelmingly Positives since its release in February 2016. If you’re still wondering if Stardew Valley is worth playing, read my Stardew Valley Review below.

    Title: Stardew Valley

    Developer: ConcernedApe

    Publisher: Chucklefish

    Platform: PC (also recently released for Xbox One, PS4, and soon to be released for Nintendo Switch)

    Genre: Farming Simulation

    Where to Buy: PC Version on Steam Here.

    Release Date: February 2016

    Geeky: 2/5  –  This is a low budget indie game, so you won’t see triple A graphics here. And given the genre and nature of farming simulation games there isn’t much action going on. I also feel the controls and UI are clunky, to the point of detracting from the gameplay (read more about that later in this review). However, given that 1 man made everything in this game, that’s pretty impressive and worth an extra star at least for effort!

    Sweetie: 4/5  – Everything about this game exudes charm and cuteness. However, the characters feel impersonal and the story a bit lacking, costing it to lose 1 heart for “sweetie” factor.

    Overall: 60/80 75% D- “Average Game for Girls”

    Concept: 8/10 It’s hard to believe this game has been out for less than a year; it’s so wildly popular and became an instant fan classic, that even games by fully staffed development teams have not made nearly as successful games or seen as many sales or positive reviews in years worth of time. And day by day new fans come to experience Stardew Valley for their very first time and fall in love, and continue to share their experiences. I was somewhat late to join the party, starting back in maybe July of 2016.

    At that time, people were growing restless with lack of progress made on features that had been promised such as multiplayer. Here we are another 6 months later, and there’s still no word on when multiplayer will be added, just simply that it is in the works. The game has received several updates and improvements, including finishing “routes” for “new” characters (The characters were already present, but now you can date more of them).

    And that’s important because really… the game of Stardew Valley is like the game of your life. Stardew Valley’s open sandbox environment and multiple choices and decisions that you will make, all shape what will happen. Will you get married? have kids? Choose a life of adventure exploring dungeons, fishing all day, or focus on rebuilding your grandfather’s farm? Or maybe just sit at the tavern, playing games, and wasting your virtual life – the choice is yours.

    Although the game starts slow, once it picks up, there will be numerous choices you must make (which you’ll start to notice around maybe Fall of the first year or so)… Things such as deciding if you want to let fruit bats live in the cave near your farm or if you want to use the cave to grow mushrooms. Hopefully by Fall of the first year you’ve had time and resources to upgrade your house or add new buildings that let you craft new recipes and add new gameplay elements such as making pickled vegetables, fruit preserves, wine, cooking meals from your crops in your new kitchen, etc. Characters at times may also ask you questions which may impact the game or change their friendship towards you, such as asking you what types of books you like to read, etc. Lil bit by lil bit you will begin to see how YOUR farm in Stardew Valley differs from that of your friends’ farms. (Or how it will differ for you on subsequent playthroughs).

    There are also numerous in-game events held throughout each season such as festivals, cooking contests, dance parties, and more. If you’ve been working on your social skills in the game and making friends, or even romances, these special events will be even more special, having someone to share them with.

    You start with little in way of resources to begin the game and with little to do. When I first started playing, it was tedious. It felt like work, like real life. It was made somewhat worse by bad controls and UI… However now, as my first year in Stardew Valley draws to a close, the game has me firmly hooked. I couldn’t believe I stayed up until 1am playing it lastnight, and I want nothing more than to go home and play it again as soon as possible. — Soon you will be able to take Stardew Valley with you everywhere you go with the Nintendo Switch! For many, this means starting all over from scratch though and replaying through these tedious first few hours of gameplay as I seriously doubt it will sync your game saves — though it would be awesome if it did!

    Stardew Valley is slow paced, and definitely not for everyone. There is some combat; however, at least on the PC, the combat is simple and basic at best, and involves no strategy, and just mindless clicking. The controls also make any actions, from combat, to fishing, to farming, a real pain at times. However, despite these flaws, Stardew Valley shines because of the charming retro vibe and relaxing gameplay mechanics. It’s one of the best casual games around and guaranteed to make you feel warm and fuzzy. It is just simply a “Feel Good Kind of Game”.

    Gameplay: 6/10 If you’ve ever played a Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game then you will be right at home in Stardew Valley. The basics of gameplay include planting, watering, and harvesting crops, conversing with townsfolk, dating/marrying a townsfolk, upgrading/decorating your home, exploring dungeons, collecting and crafting items, and joining in various events. — It was also marketed as an “Online or Multiplayer” farming game (which drew many fans who have long dreamed of an Online Harvest Moon — however, that feature, which arguably is the game’s MAIN feature, is still no where to be seen and with no estimated release date a year later.

    I’m critiquing the gameplay for the PC version right now since it’s the only version I have played as of time of review. While the features of the gameplay would get high marks here in terms of the vast amount of things to see, do, choices and consequences, and customization, the score ultimately suffers due to terrible controls and UI. Please note for this review I play on a laptop and do not use a mouse. I am a keyboard only user. As such, there are some things that just DON’T work. Period.

    Like for example, I read that to put bait on a fishing pole you left click the bait then right click the fishing pole, but nothing happens when I do this. Luckily, you can fish without bait, but with some tools you aren’t so lucky. I assume that loading the slingshot with stones also works in the same fashion but can’t figure out how to load it with ammunition either which makes it completely useless to me. At the fall grange faire, the controls for fishing were different than fishing on the main map too! In the main map I can use my button shortcode which is C as opposed to mouse clicking, — this for some reason does not work at the fall grange faire and you have to use the mouse (in my case keep in mind, I’m using my laptop’s “touchpad” which you can click/scroll/operate like a mouse.) —

    I have read that PS4 controllers will now work in Steam so I may have to try that and hope they are supported in Stardew Valley. I also do have a usb mouse – but given that I play largely from my bed, it makes finding a place to put the mouse a challenge. I am surprised because quite simply, this is a casual game. If I were expecting to smoothly play a triple A title without a mouse, from my bed, well that would be my own fault for having unreasonable expectations… but the truth is, there’s nothing here that should require finesse or skill.

    And it’s not just a little bit cumbersome, it’s that things completely don’t work in some cases as illustrated above at worst. At best, I find myself constantly turning away from my target while fighting in the dungeon, or watering an empty square next to the plant I’m trying to water. Or I’ll forget I have an axe equipped and accidentally kill a crop I’m trying to work with (OK so that last one is my fault 🙂 lol).

    The gameworld is not that large, but you walk really slow, which makes it seem a bit larger (Please note for this review, I’m critiquing the default map, not the new ones added in after release). You will also find that you get weak from exhaust and/or injuries easily when you first begin playing, and that even adding new weapons, armor, and accessories, doesn’t seem to speed up combat as much as you might hope.

    Despite these weaknesses, the gameplay is actually fun and enjoyable with a wide variety of things to do and see. In fact, there’s often not enough in-game hours in a day to do everything. I love rainy days in the game so I can go fishing or explore the dungeons without wasting half a day tending to my crops. I also love that as you continue to do something in game, such as fish or fight monsters, you gain levels of proficiency with different skills and at certain levels, these skills branch off and force you to choose a path, with different pros and cons, which further customizes your experience from that of your friends – and also greatly adds to replay value.

    There could be some other features added that would further enhance gameplay, difficulty and challenge, such as making certain foods expire – would also create need to use the preserve machine — or making for example icecream melt after so many in-game hours. As it stands right now you could buy or grow an item in year one, and eat it 5 years later without risk of getting sick, etc. They could even add a temporary debuff “Food Poisoning” that would wear off after so many in game hours.

    Story: 6/10 – Well the story is that you write your own story. You decide exactly what you want to do, who you want to be with, and shape your own virtual life. It offers a ton of customization and the story does branch and reveal different routes based on who you date and other decisions you make within the game, but largely, by the end of the first year, the story has felt weak and bare bones at best. The in-game events do help to spice things up however, I suspect that after the first year they will be less exciting since you’ve already seen them. — However, it makes up for this in the amount of customization, freedom, and exploration that these open world sandbox games are best known for. Watching slowly as your farm takes shape and beginning to set a path for yourself and discover how to make your farm uniquely your own is truly the best aspect of this game, and that will become even more of a big selling point once multi-player finally gets implemented so you can visit friends’ farms.

    Characters: 6/10 – Well, there’s a lot of them, but none of them are terribly interesting… They will recycle through the same dialog over and over. In the beginning, as to be expected, many of the characters are distrustful of you (You’re a stranger afterall!), and so they do not talk about anything meaningful or overly deep. Getting close to people, just like in real life, takes time. Relationships take work, and Stardew Valley is no exception to that rule… I have yet to see if the characters, or story for that matter, get more interesting past the first year, but with well over 30 hours of real life put into the game, that’s more time than one should be expected to “wait and see” if things improve.

    Right now my highest relationship, according to the fortune teller at the fall grange fair, is with Shane, one of the newly added routes in a recent update. He is sorta the Tsundere type. Rough on the outside. He often plays guitar in the tavern. He likes Hot Peppers, Spaghetti, and Pizza for presents, and he is a cold unfeeling jerk lol. At least initially. I think there may be more to him, which is why I was curious to pursue him. I think his route shows the most promise for “character development” if written correctly. It will be nice to see him warm up and hopefully be less of a jerk over time lol.

    Other characters seem to pay homage to various Harvest Moon games, there’s a guy named Linus (not dateable) living in a tent who reminds me of Gustafa from Harvest Moon on the Gamecube. There’s Harvey who is a doctor, Demetrius a scientist (who at time of this review is not dateable), Sebastian who is a stereotypical Emo/Goth guy, Alex a fitness nut,  a Magician (I don’t believe he’s dateable either), Clint who is a Blacksmith, and Elderly couple. The tavern workers, a Museum worker, a Carpenter (female), Goth girl, Librarian (female), and a handful of others.

    Despite not having much “depth” to the characters (at least after almost a whole year of time passing in game), the characters themselves are charming, and always busy and on the move. They breathe life into the game and keep it feeling active and bustling year round. Not only these human characters, but the animals on your farm, the monsters in the dungeon, and even just little touches like birds and butterflies randomly flying or a squirrel quickly climbing a tree, or a rabbit running through the bushes, they all make the game seem… living. It seems as if every character has a mind of their own and a life of their own. This is a big plus and part of the game’s unique charm.

    Graphics: 8/10 – Keep in mind, this is an indie game that wanted to go for a retro-vibe. If you’re not a fan of “outdated” graphics, RPG Maker style games, and Isometric Top-Down view style games, then this is not the game for you. — That said, Stardew Valley is for you if you grew up with the 16 bit Harvest Moon games, don’t mind “indie-retro” games, like to customize the appearance of your character, and like “cute” bright graphics.

    Everything about Stardew Valley is exceptionally charming. And there is a lot of work that went into everything from the tile sets used in town or your farm, to the dungeons, character portraits, or animations. As mentioned above, the environment really feels almost like it’s alive somehow, with so many small details and little touches, falling leaves, wind, rain, animals, and background animations that really add to the charm and little extra love that was poured into this game.

    I’d like to see maybe a tad more detail on the character sprites, and even more options added for character customization and more interior decorating items, or more various monster designs and not just recolors – but that’s just a wishlist, already, the artwork is pretty great if you’re a fan of pixel style games.

    I did take off a few points for the following:

  • It gets pretty hard to see where I’m going at night. I dunno if it’s my monitor settings – and I am well aware you can craft items like torches and etc to brighten things up, but I get pretty lost.
  • Also some items can be hard to see if they’re behind trees, or other tall graphic items, and this too, can at times cause you to feel “stuck”.
  • Lastly, back to the UI again, it is just a lil bit clunky and could use some refinement.
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    Tiny Farm Review | IOS | Android | Virtual Pet | Harvest Moon | Farmville

    Title: Tiny Farm

    Genre: Farming Simulator with City Building elements

    Publisher: Com2Us

    Grab it on IOS:

    Grab it on Android:

    Geeky Factor: 

    Sweetie Factor: 

    Concept: 6/10 Tiny Farm is a game similar in nature to that of Harvest Moon or Farmville. The objective is to take care of live stock, plant and harvest crops, go fishing, and breed the animals in your farm, all while making a profit to buy new farming equipment, better seeds, better livestock, etc. It’s one of those games that’s fun in small doses, and addictive at first, but if you intend to play it heavily, you may become bored by the repetitive nature of these games. They try to lessen that effect somewhat by regularly having special events with limited edition livestock or other prizes that you don’t want to miss out on, which keeps you logging in to keep up with the latest in-game events and items. I also find it a bit more interesting than just a farming simulator as you can also run your own zoo, or go to the beach, or participate in other activities as well.


    Gameplay: 7/10 The gameplay is pretty simple and straight forward, the controls are easy, you can click on an animal to bring up a submenu where you can give it “love” which helps it level up, and once it reaches certain levels of love it can breed with certain other animals who also have max love. You can also sell your animals to make room for new animals (which you’ll have to do a lot in the early levels as your space is very limited). You get to play the lucky bag gacha once every 24 hours for free and inside you will find things like animals, eggs, decorations, buildings, etc. You also get to go on a safari once a day for free. The safari is a mini game in which you must turn over cards to collect animal foot prints. Once you reach a certain number of footprints you’re able to bring home a new animal. You can find different animals in different areas on the map. You can place buildings and decorations around your farm, zoo, or beach to increase the profits from these areas. Also back on the farm, you can hire a search party to capture different animals; the choices change each day with different animals being able to be found. Legendary animals also appear and can be captured after having given animals on your farm enough love. To capture the legendary creatures you’ll need to spend even more love; which becomes problematic as you never have enough love when the animals first appear – they do this because they want you to spend money. If you can find a way to level up, that will replenish your love and allow you to capture the animal before it disappears. Visiting friends gives you a few bonuses, but is pretty useless, there’s really no social interaction or multiplayer appeal to this game. The repetitive nature of the game also drops it down a few points in our score, it’s just not very fun after awhile. I like to check in on my farm 3 or 4 times a day for about 15-25 minutes at a time; anything more than that would be incredibly boring.

    Story: 0/10 There is literally no story. The game is going to take a hit in our score books here, since we always rate games based on story and gameplay.

    Characters: 8/10 I kinda “fudged” this category a bit (otherwise the score will be too low); and for this review, I am considering the animals themselves as the characters in this game, since there are no characters and no story. But there are some SERIOUSLY CUTE animals…. A llama in a banana costume, a nine tails in a barista costume, and many more. They’re over the top, creative, cute, zany, and limited edition too which makes me want to play to collect em all (like pokemon). The animals are really the heart and soul of the game. I think they could add a feature similar to pokemini, lineplay, or cocoplay though where you have a human avatar representing yourself and get to dress her/him and collect outfits from the gacha. I also think they could open up inter-species breeding. (maybe it unlocks at a higher level, I only began playing last week), to offer a wider range of pets. Right now it’s pretty specific, pets that look the same like a bearded pig and boar can’t breed with each other even or a Black cow and a Dairy Cow, when it seems like breeding them should be possible. So I deducted a point there.


    Customization: 7/10 You can customize where you place your buildings and which animals you have on exhibit in your zoo. However, there’s little to do to customize the animals themselves. You can purchase “special effects” like rose petals or other things to place around your animals, but the effects available for purchase are limited (can count on one hand). And as mentioned above they’re missing out on further customization by neglecting to have human avatars, outfit gachas, or even outfits or accessories for the animals. Most of all though, I think the game could be more customizeable by allowing us to set different features within our shops; think of the old retro Rollercoaster Tycoon game for Sega Genesis, you could choose how salty your food was, how much ice was in your fountain drinks, etc. Finding the right balance between profit and happy customers. I think a feature like that brought to Tiny Farm could really make it shine and differentiate itself from its competition. But the buildings are upgradeable which unlocks more profits and bonuses which is a nice touch. I just would like to see them take customization a step or two further.

    Kawaiiness (Cuteness): 10/10 – This is the cutest little farming game I’ve ever seen, the pets are so adorable. The fact that there are so many different animals, and especially lots of in game events with limited time animals makes it even more adorable. I would play this any day compared to farmville or hay day.

    Music: 8/10 Cute and catchy music that is repetitive but does not get annoying

    Graphics: 10/10 The graphics are “pixel” style and have a cute retro feel. The buildings are brightly colored and there’s a lot of different styles of pets and buildings to choose from.

    Performance: 10/10 I have not experienced a game crash or any lag while playing on my old Ipad 2 (before Air designations). I have only been playing for a week though so that may change as my farm grows and more buildings/animals are packed onto my screen (taking more resources to display).

    Overall: 72/90 80% B- “Very Good Game for Girls”

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