The Best Gaming Console For Girls

This post will take a look at games for girls for Mobile, the PC, and Gaming Consoles released within the past 30 years. Strap in, it’ll be a long ride. To make the ride a little less bumpy, I’m trying to only look at games released in the United States in English as that’s my primary reading audience.

I’ve also tried to paginate this post to speed up the server and hopefully deliver fast content to you, our reader. The pagination is not indicative of jumping to the next gaming console in our countdown, and the games listed under each console are not ranked in a specific order of importance. It’s merely to help speed up the server.

What Is The Best Gaming System For Girls?

Table of Contents

Introduction To This Countdown

PC Games For Girls

PC Games For Girls Part 1

PC Games For Girls Part 2

PC Games For Girls Part 3

PC Games For Girls Part 4

PC Games For Girls Part 5

PC Games For Girls Part 6

PC Games For Girls Part 7

PC Games For Girls Part 8

PC Games For Girls Part 9

PC Games For Girls Part 10

Mobile Games For Girls

Mobile Games For Girls Part 1

Mobile Games For Girls Part 2

Mobile Games For Girls Part 3

Mobile Games For Girls Part 4

Mobile Games For Girls Part 5

Mobile Games For Girls Part 6

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Xbox Games For Girls

Xbox and Xbox 360 Games For Girls

Gameboy Games For Girls

Gameboy Color and Gameboy Original or Pocket Games For Girls

Conclusion Remaining Games For Girls

NES, Colecovision, and Virtual Boy Games For Girls

Also worth noting: I never owned a sega master system, Turbo Graffix, 3D0, Jaguar, Lynx, NeoGeo, Xbox One, or other consoles not on this list. I did not own an Atari, and although I played one at my best friend’s house, I’m not an expert in games available for that system so I chose not to include these systems in my countdown.

What is a game for girls? For this article, I am primarily looking at the availability of narrative-driven games. Narrative driven games come in many forms including RPG and JRPG, Tell Tales style games, Visual Novels, Otome Games, Dating Sims, etc.

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