The Best Gaming Console For Girls

This Is Our Conclusion covering any games for girls on our remaining consoles.

This is part of a multi-post “countdown” of the best gaming systems for girls. Please use the Table of Contents to navigate through the various posts.

Table of Contents

Introduction To This Countdown

PC Games For Girls

PC Games For Girls Part 1

PC Games For Girls Part 2

PC Games For Girls Part 3

PC Games For Girls Part 4

PC Games For Girls Part 5

PC Games For Girls Part 6

PC Games For Girls Part 7

PC Games For Girls Part 8

PC Games For Girls Part 9

PC Games For Girls Part 10

Mobile Games For Girls

Mobile Games For Girls Part 1

Mobile Games For Girls Part 2

Mobile Games For Girls Part 3

Mobile Games For Girls Part 4

Mobile Games For Girls Part 5

Mobile Games For Girls Part 6

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Xbox Games For Girls

Xbox and Xbox 360 Games For Girls

Gameboy Games For Girls

Gameboy Color and Gameboy Original or Pocket Games For Girls

Conclusion Remaining Games For Girls

NES, Colecovision, and Virtual Boy Games For Girls

This Is Our Conclusion covering any games for girls on our remaining consoles.

27.) NES – The first gaming console in my house. It didn’t have many RPGs at all but had some other games I fondly remember from my childhood.

28.) Coleco Vision – I picked one up at a yard sale years ago with some games. It’s a very old rare console. There was really only one or two RPGs.

There’s a fan-based group or company making some homebrew RPGs on Colecovision…

And they’re still making new Colecovision games even as I’m writing this post in the year of our lord 2020 lol. Here’s one of their current projects

29.) Virtual Boy – Nothing to see here, move along. This whole console was weird. Black and Red graphics, googles, and a stand where you had to hunch down to put your eyes up to the view finder. It hurt my eyes and hurt my back and didn’t have any RPGs. I sold mine and all of its games for a lot of money though because for some reason it’s highly sought after as a novelty item I guess.

I’d like there to be a # 30 to round this out – but I have only owned 29 consoles in my life. Not bad I guess, I started collecting around 8 years old and am 39 now, so about one console a year? more or less? lol. I already pre-ordered PS5, but it’s too soon to tell if it’ll have a lot of games for girls or leave girl gamers behind.

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