The Best Gaming Console For Girls

This Page Is All About Games For Girls on Nintendo N64

This is part of a multi-post “countdown” of the best gaming systems for girls. Please use the Table of Contents to navigate through the various posts.

Table of Contents

Introduction To This Countdown

PC Games For Girls

PC Games For Girls Part 1

PC Games For Girls Part 2

PC Games For Girls Part 3

PC Games For Girls Part 4

PC Games For Girls Part 5

PC Games For Girls Part 6

PC Games For Girls Part 7

PC Games For Girls Part 8

PC Games For Girls Part 9

PC Games For Girls Part 10

Mobile Games For Girls

Mobile Games For Girls Part 1

Mobile Games For Girls Part 2

Mobile Games For Girls Part 3

Mobile Games For Girls Part 4

Mobile Games For Girls Part 5

Mobile Games For Girls Part 6

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Xbox Games For Girls

Xbox and Xbox 360 Games For Girls

Gameboy Games For Girls

Gameboy Color and Gameboy Original or Pocket Games For Girls

Conclusion Remaining Games For Girls

NES, Colecovision, and Virtual Boy Games For Girls

This Page Is All About Games For Girls on Nintendo N64

18.) N64 – Really not much here. Zelda Ocarina of Time is most people’s favorite zelda game of all time, but I still greatly preferred a Link to the Past. I do rank Ocarina higher than even the latest Zelda breath of the wild, but they are very different games. Linear story vs Open world exploration. Pros and cons. Mask of Majora was a sleeper hit and direct sequel to Ocarina of Time. Both of those zeldas were better in my opinion than Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. It’s really these 2 Iconic Zelda games that secure the N64 the 17th spot on our countdown. Quest 64 was a terrible RPG and really the only other good game for girls was Ogre Battle 64. I think losing Squaresoft was a big blow to Nintendo. They changed their strategy and lost their roots. Since N64 they have focused on children and family games and almost ignored JRPGs completely. I am pleased with Nintendo Switch they are pushing back to their JRPG roots and yes, Mario 64 was a great platformer game, one of the best Mario games, and there were a lot of “family” “mascot” type games but just not (m)any story rich games on this console. Here’s what I could find for narrative driven games on N64.,_Pikachu!
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