The Best Gaming Console For Girls

This Page Is All About Games For Girls on the original Microsoft Xbox and its successor the Microsoft Xbox 360

This is part of a multi-post “countdown” of the best gaming systems for girls. Please use the Table of Contents to navigate through the various posts.

Table of Contents

Introduction To This Countdown

PC Games For Girls

PC Games For Girls Part 1

PC Games For Girls Part 2

PC Games For Girls Part 3

PC Games For Girls Part 4

PC Games For Girls Part 5

PC Games For Girls Part 6

PC Games For Girls Part 7

PC Games For Girls Part 8

PC Games For Girls Part 9

PC Games For Girls Part 10

Mobile Games For Girls

Mobile Games For Girls Part 1

Mobile Games For Girls Part 2

Mobile Games For Girls Part 3

Mobile Games For Girls Part 4

Mobile Games For Girls Part 5

Mobile Games For Girls Part 6

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Xbox Games For Girls

Xbox and Xbox 360 Games For Girls

Gameboy Games For Girls

Gameboy Color and Gameboy Original or Pocket Games For Girls

Conclusion Remaining Games For Girls

NES, Colecovision, and Virtual Boy Games For Girls

This Page Is All About Games For Girls on the original Microsoft Xbox and its successor the Microsoft Xbox 360

I figured there’s so few games for girls on these platforms I can combine them into one page.

23.) Xbox 360 – Lost Odyssey was one of my favorite games of all time. The story was meant to be part of a series, but Microsoft decided people don’t want to play RPGs. 2 years ago they renewed their trademark for Lost Odyssey and the rumor mill began spinning with either a sequel or remaster in the works. A remaster would not make me buy an Xbox One or Series X, but a sequel, if it was an Xbox exclusive and I couldn’t get it on PC or any other console, I’d probably buy the damn console for this game, knowing full damn well it would be the only game I’d probably play on that console that I paid $500+ for lol. I was also initially excited about Fable and Elderscrolls and a few other games but felt mostly let down by lack of RPGs, and severely disappointed in Fable, because it over promised and under delivered.

Here’s some games for girls on Xbox 360. Most of these could also be found on Playstation or PC which in my opinion defeats the purpose of buying a 360 for any of these except for Lost Odyssey.’s_Dogma:_Dark_Arisen

24.) Xbox – Again elder scrolls and fable and a few rpgs here or there, nothing really exciting. Most all the games were on PS2, 3, or PC, etc. After being burnt twice by Microsoft I just decided they don’t give a fuck about gamer girls and stopped buying their consoles. Like I said if they release an RPG that I want, I’ll buy their consoles again, but not until then. I would like to “buy American” and support an American business, but Microsoft misses the mark every damn time.

With the exception of Lost Odyssey (which was on the 360 and not original Xbox) which didn’t sell well I guess but is what I would want to be playing compared to the sports and shooters and crap that doesn’t appeal to me in the least. Microsoft is losing money by alienating female gamers and focusing only on hardcore gamers.

That’s too bad, in my opinion, that’s their loss. Why do you think their consoles failed in Japan and they’ve already had to discount the Series X in Japan even before its release? Because their games are shit. That’s why. Might as well be a $500 doorstop since there’s literally no good “exclusives” especially story driven exclusives. There are RPGs here or there, but literally, every single one of them except for Lost Odyssey can be found on PS4 or PC or elsewhere, along with a ton of other games exclusive to PC or exclusive to PS4. Xbox just doesn’t get it.

They don’t get the importance of exclusive games or diversity. Even games they claim are “exclusive” are 9 times out of 10 also available on PC. That doesn’t make them “exclusive” lol. Microsoft doesn’t care because they’re making money off of the PCs and operating systems and other things on the PCs too. Which begs the question why even make gaming consoles if everything can be done on a PC? I know not everyone has a “gaming rig” with Nvidia or Radeon graphics cards. But they could buy one of those graphic cards for the same price as the Xbox console. And hook it up to the TV with either wireless or HMDI or other means. Head Scratcher there.

No one is saying to stop making shooting games or to stop making fighting games or to stop making sports games or to stop making action games… but why not both?!!! Why not add a few RPGs? I’d buy the new console and the RPGs and my fiance would probably buy the other crap I mean games, so then you’d be making more money. But instead, you turn away and alienate an entire demographic group with your stupid decisions. RPGs are also more popular in Japan with males and female gamers. You could improve your global strategy by giving us some damn good exclusive RPGs like a sequel to Lost Odyssey, but alas, until then, I’m not buying any more Microsoft consoles.

But rant over. Here’s a list of girl games on the original Xbox, small as it may be.

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