The Best Gaming Console For Girls

This is Part 1 of PC Games For Girls

This is part of a multi-post “countdown” of the best gaming systems for girls. Please use the Table of Contents to navigate through the various posts.

Table of Contents

Introduction To This Countdown

PC Games For Girls

PC Games For Girls Part 1

PC Games For Girls Part 2

PC Games For Girls Part 3

PC Games For Girls Part 4

PC Games For Girls Part 5

PC Games For Girls Part 6

PC Games For Girls Part 7

PC Games For Girls Part 8

PC Games For Girls Part 9

PC Games For Girls Part 10

Mobile Games For Girls

Mobile Games For Girls Part 1

Mobile Games For Girls Part 2

Mobile Games For Girls Part 3

Mobile Games For Girls Part 4

Mobile Games For Girls Part 5

Mobile Games For Girls Part 6

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Nintendo Switch Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 2 Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Sony Vita Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Super Nintendo SNES Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Sony Playstation 1 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Playstation 4 Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega CD Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Genesis Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Saturn Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sega Dreamcast Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Sony Playstation Portable PSP Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Playstation 3 Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo DS Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo GBA Gameboy Advance Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Nintendo N64 Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Wii U Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Nintendo Gamecube Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Sega Gamegear Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Nintendo Wii Games For Girls

Xbox Games For Girls

Xbox and Xbox 360 Games For Girls

Gameboy Games For Girls

Gameboy Color and Gameboy Original or Pocket Games For Girls

Conclusion Remaining Games For Girls

NES, Colecovision, and Virtual Boy Games For Girls

So which gaming rig is a girl’s best friend? Here’s my picks.

1.) PC – the best gaming rig for a girl is the PC, but this was not always the case. I think within the past 5-10 years though we’ve seen a tremendous growth in games for girls on the PC as we see the rise of indie games on popular platforms such as Steam and GOG. We see a lot of older classic JRPGs getting remade on PC, and we see a ton of visual novels and similar games finally making their way to the states. There’s also a lot of other games I think girls will enjoy that for brevity’s sake I’m not even including in the countdown such as strategy games, simulation games, and so on.

Here are a few of my favorite PC Games: Graduation, Hirameki International titles including Anima Mundi Dark Alchemist and Ever17 Out of Infinity, Manga Gamers Ttiles, my favorite series of theirs is probably Da Capo. Other games on PC I recommend include Clannad, Sometimes Always Monsters, To The Moon, Petz, Magic Diary Horse Hall, Shira Oka Second Chances, Princess Maker, Stein’s Gate, Higarushi, Dandelion Wishes Brought To You, Nameless, Life Is Strange, Witcher, Dragon Age, Telltale’s Games, D4 Dark Dreams Don’t Die, Amnesia, Ozmafia, Idea Factory’s games, Atelier series, Old 90s Point and click games like Torment or King’s Quest, and ports of older JRPGs (even though a lot of those ports have flaws like poor controls and so on).

The PC Is always growing, always getting new games, including recently a lot of the girls games we get on consoles too. Plus it will never be retired in favor of a new console, so that’s also why it will always be number 1. The games will just keep coming. The below list is somewhat alphabetical. I started by searching for games meeting certain tags on steam, GOG, and then added older games from smaller publishers or indie artists. For example, I searched Otome games and listed all the otome games, JRPG, listed all the JRPGs, etc from one store, one tag, then another tag, listing, and so on. I actually haven’t played all of these but just illustrating the sheer huge number of games for girls on PC.

Here’s An Alphabetical List Of Some Of The Best Games For Girls On PC:
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