WTF is a Mechanical Rocking Horse – It’s Awesome That’s What it Is

So my new “life goal” (ok not really) is to lose enough weight to get under 154 lbs which is the maximum weight limit for a toy by a company called UFREE which makes something called Large Mechanical Rocking Horses.

How did I come across this? I just encountered a video clip here: of a mother, father, and baby, all riding various sizes/shapes of these Mechanical Rocking Horses, bouncing down the street…. And it is totally adorable… and looks like great exercise too.

You can buy one too from Amazon here:

Apparently, UFREE isnt the only company making these. Another popular search term and / or Brand name is “Pony Cycle” (which is where that video above is from).

Mechanical Rocking Horse for Adults
Mechanical Rocking Horse for Adults

Making Fitness Fun again, Getting weird looks all over town, Being 30+ years old and riding a “bouncing stuffed animal” What could go wrong? LOL….

I really really want one. In fact, if another company offered one that could support my 200 lb ass I’d buy it right now lol.

Of course losing weight, I could also buy lolita fashion, etc… but we all know I’m too lazy to actually exercise. I was 120 lbs and a size 6 in college but that was 10+ years ago lol.

I do want to lose weight though, so any motivation, even a stuffed, bouncing, ridiculously cute horse would only be a good thing.

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