My birthday was last month. I turned 35. Eek, scary to be getting so old LOL. My best friend got me two wonderful subscription boxes for my birthday. The first is Betoyo, a box focusing primarily on anime figurines. I’m a doll or figure collector and also love the excitement of opening blind box figurines. This box is perfect for anime fans looking to add to their figure collections.
The June Betoyo Bento had a lot of adorable things packed inside. The highlights of the box were the “Fate” figure on the motorcycle, a figure from Sword Art Online, and a beautiful wall scroll from the popular “Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress” anime.
I don’t think I actually took a pic of the box – oopsie. — But inside the box was a beautiful “gift bag” from Touken Ranbu. Us girls love our bishounen, Am I Right? π

The bag has artwork on both sides, one showing the majority of the cast members, and the other side a nice closeup of Kogitsunemaru.

It’s a big bag too – and since it was a birthday gift to me it was kinda awesome that it was essentially “gift wrapped”. Nice packaging! and if you have other friends who love anime, you can keep this bag and use it to wrap other gifts for friends in the future. Very useful.

OK let’s see what’s inside this month’s Betoyo Bento! π
Hmm… the large giftbag makes it look a little empty in there! Still exciting though, lol!

First Up, Touken Ranbu Blindbox Figure. I love blindbox figures, it’s always so much fun wondering which one you will see when you open the box.
This collection includes 6 different figures, 1 per box of course. I’m not sure of the rarity of the items inside.

Packaging is a little bit bent, but so adorable. Here are the other sides of the box:

Wait “Made in China”? Why not “Made in Japan”? — Most likely counterfeit goods. This does not really bother me to be honest, but I know many doll collectors that are adamantly against any counterfeit items. — also another figure you’ll see later further down in this post broke apart and I was told by another user via instagram the same thing happened to them and that they learned it was because the figure was counterfeit. — so if you do not like counterfeit items – this box is NOT for you — but if you just like cute things, and don’t really care about “resale value” “collector value” and are ok taking a gamble with “quality”, and have no moral objections, then it’s still a great box for the money – and the figures still look adorable in your collection!
Also I didn’t realize what this box was trying to tell me – I think the “face” is painted on both sides so you get two facial expressions per figure and you can also swap faces between the figures, giving you a lot of options for how to display your figure. – I didn’t realize that, so the photos you will see only show one side of my figure’s face.
Alright, let’s open this puppy.
I got the white haired one. π

Quality wise it’s kinda a “meh” – not real excited about this item. It just doesn’t look that “nice” π
Next up, the wallscroll from kabaneri – I really like this item. I’ve yet to watch the anime, but seeing this beautiful artwork makes me want to check it out. She is very kawaii! The wallscroll has beautiful bright vivid colors and cute artwork. Love the kawaii girl in the kimono!. This will look great in my doll room. Very pleased with this item. And yes, it is printed on fabric, not paper, which will help ensure durability and longevity of the item.

It is what I would call a “mini” wallscroll. Here it is next to me for comparison (sorry for bad lighting. The first pic was taken outdoors and more accurate to the beautiful colors of this item. This next pic is indoors in dim lighting in the evening.

Next up another blind box, this one is Sword Art Online – this item is epic fail in my opinion. Here’s some pics of the box, which are about the only pics I have of this item because… it didn’t fit together “well” so I applied a LITTLE bit of pressure, trying to put it together, and it CRUMBLED, in multiple pieces, just by pressing a LITTLE bit firm with two fingers. Quality Issues here. — I am TOLD by someone on instagram that the same thing happened to them and they found out that the item was counterfeit, but cannot confirm the accuracy of this information. — Once again, the majority of the items say Made in China, which is typically an indicator of counterfeit items – so I would not be surprised if that was the case.

This lil one would have been cute – had it fit together and not broke apart with the slightest bit of pressure. – Your Mileage may vary.

I’ve saved the best for last – this item in my opinion makes this entire box well worth the subscription cost. It’s larger than the other items as you can see – but that’s not all – it’s well made (even if it is counterfeit, this one is not bad at all.) It has substantial weight to it, it’s painted a heck of a lot better than the other 2 figures, and it stands up, goes together well, and just looks awesome. The little motorcycle is so cute! I love this figure. Very much!
It comes with two bodies, one for sitting on the motorcycle and one for standing – and it stands well on it’s own. The standing body also has a katana. The two bodies are easy to interchange and fit together perfectly. My favorite thing about the figure may be the way her “hair” looks like it’s blowing in the breeze, which looks awesome as she’s “riding” her tiny motorcycle.
Look at my awesome figure; you know you is jelly π

But you don’t have to be jealous, because you too can have an awesome Betoyo subscription box – it’s just $28 a month and yes, there are some flaws or issues, but I personally feel that all of the items combined are worth at least equal to if not over the cost of the subscription – I would subscribe if I had the funds, but I decided instead to subscribe to the other box my friend got for me for Boxychan (you’ll see a review later today for that one) – and I am already a subscriber to another box, the Pusheen Box which I reviewed here.
Anyways, if you liked the items here, be sure to sign up at Betoyo Bento to get in on the next box!
Also because I’m lazy, and just a hobby blogger doing this for fun, I’m sometimes slow to post these pics – so if you want to see more pics like this, and see them a few weeks sooner, check out my instagram account.