Samsung’s Fatal Security Flaws Have Helped Me Decide Which Phone To Upgrade To In 2023.

Hello everyone, my name is Jeni and I am currently the owner of an iPhone 13 Pro. Recently, I have been contemplating switching over to the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. The reason behind this switch is because I play many games from multiple regions, and I require a phone with at least 1TB of storage. While I have been going back and forth between waiting for the iPhone 15 Ultra in September 2023 or upgrading now to the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, I believe I have made up my mind.

Initially, I was captivated by the sleek design and feel of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. The phone is lighter and thinner, has a larger screen, and does not have an unsightly notch or dynamic island. The lavender color of the phone is also incredibly appealing to me, and I cannot deny the camera is far better than the iPhone. Furthermore, the SPen feature is very enticing since typing on my iPhone can be a hassle. read more

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Iphone 14 Pro vs Iphone 15 Ultra

Hey, kawaii gamer girls! 🌸💕 Are you looking for a new phone that’s perfect for all your gaming, anime, and Kdrama needs? Let’s compare the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, iPhone 14 Pro, and the upcoming iPhone 15 Pro Ultra to help you decide which phone is your ultimate tech BFF! 📱✨

Camera Capabilities 📸🌟 The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra boasts an amazing quad-camera system with a 200MP main camera, two telephoto lenses, and an ultra-wide lens. It’s perfect for snapping stunning photos, from action shots to beautiful portraits. read more

Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Comparrison

Image via Flickr by Răzvan Băltărețu

The Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge smartphones have a lot in common. A casual observer might not even spot differences between the two devices. There are, however, some subtle variations you should think about before deciding which version to buy.

In this smartphone showdown, you’ll learn about what makes each of these smartphones unique so that you can buy the one that best matches your needs.

Body and Screen Size

The Galaxy S7 measures 5.61 × 2.74 × 0.31 inches. The S7 Edge’s dimensions are 5.85 × 2.85 × 0.30 inches. Samsung, in other words, gave the S7 Edge a slightly larger body. The difference won’t matter to most people, but others may find a larger or smaller size enticing. It’s worth noting that the S7 Edge only weighs 0.18 ounces more than the Galaxy S7, so the larger size doesn’t feel heavy in your pocket.

The S7 Edge’s larger size gives it room for a bigger screen. The S7 has a 5.1-inch screen, while the S7 Edge has a 5.5-inch display. Again, this isn’t something that will make a significant difference to most people. Those who pay attention to the details, however, need to know these things.

The S7 Edge does have an innovative display that extends to the phone’s side edges. This makes it possible for Samsung and other app makers to add edge panels for easy access to favorite apps, shortcuts, news, and other goodies. This is an creative development, but a lot of users don’t seem to care about it. In the end, it just depends on your preference.

Verdict: Depends on your preference.

Battery Life

Consumers tend to focus on battery life when choosing smartphones. No one wants a mobile device that runs out of power halfway through the day. After some complaints that the Galaxy S6 didn’t keep up with expectations, Samsung devoted itself to finding a better option for the S7 generation.

The S7 comes with a 3,000-mAh battery that can last an entire day with normal use. The S7 Edge’s larger size, however, means it can hold a 3,600-mAh battery. That’s not a huge increase, but it may matter to people who constantly use their smartphones.

Realistically, reviewers find that either phone will give you first-rate battery life. At the end of the day, though, the S7 Edge will have about 10 percent more power than the S7.

Verdict: S7 Edge, but only slightly


The Samsung Galaxy S7 has a 12-megapixel rear camera capable of taking brilliant pictures in low-light conditions. Perhaps more important, though, it is the first smartphone camera to feature dual pixels, resulting in faster autofocus. The camera also stands out for its 4K video capability and light-gathering f/1.7 lens.

The front camera’s 5-megapixel design obviously can’t compete with the 12-megapixel rear camera, but it’s good enough for selfies.

Samsung gave the S7 Edge the same-resolution cameras as the S7, so there’s not much to compare in this category. Either model, however, can arguably take better pictures than its competitors.

Verdict: Tie

Processing Power

Samsung wisely decided to give the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge phones identical Snapdragon 820 quad-core processors. The Snapdragon 820 stands out as one of the fastest mobile processors available, so you can expect both phones to stream and run most apps flawlessly and download quickly.

Verdict: Tie


You have to think about price when comparing two of the top-selling smartphones. The Galaxy S7 retails at $699, and the S7 Edge sells for $799. Considering that the S7 and S7 Edge tie in nearly every category, you have to wonder whether the larger screen and innovative edges are worth the extra $100. Of course, you can often get lower prices through some service providers, so if you can find a good deal, go for it.

Verdict: Galaxy S7

The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge have a lot in common, but that doesn’t mean you won’t prefer one over the other. Before you decide which one to purchase, take a careful look at the features and consider how they will affect you. The average consumer may not see significant differences, but smartphone aficionados will likely find one of these designs more attractive than the other.

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