Recast Asian Balljointed Dolls

Table of Contents:


What is a Recast Asian Balljointed Doll?

If Recasts Are Available Why Would Someone Want to Purchase a Legit Asian Balljointed Doll?

Why Would Someone Want a Recast Asian Balljointed Doll?

What Are The Risks in Purchasing Recast Dolls?

Closing Thoughts:

Further Reading

The End

[sta_anchor id=”intro”]Introduction[/sta_anchor]

I recently purchased my first recast dolls (Shown in the featured image) (Sorry for the bad photo >.< I will update once their wigs and clothes arrive). Anyways, when I purchased these lil cuties I was nervous and not sure what to expect despite having done my own research as well. I own 13 and counting legit ABJD, and although I’m not super active in the doll communities I do like to share photos of my dolls and attend annual meetups or bring the dolls to conventions, and I have a small circle of about a dozen friends I’ve met through the hobby and I worried how owning a recast doll may damage those friendships. read more

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