Doll Review – Volks Dollfie Dream – Dream Choice – Dollfie Dream Brown Skin Boy – Proxy Japan Doll Direct Review

I used Japan Doll Direct to order a Dollfie Dream Choice boy doll in their tan skin. I used website Dollfie Star Choice to view all the different heads and make-up options. Link here:

I settled on DCH-16 with M01 makeup.

A few things.

1.) It is very expensive. Dream Choice is a system provided by Volks at 2 or 3 of their stores in Japan. You have to either physically visit the Volks stores or use a Proxy – a person living in Japan who can go to the store for you. There are additional fees – because proxys are a type of business model. There are limited heads and eyes and hands and wigs and skin tones available only through this Dream Choice system.

2.) Boy Dollfie Dream Dolls are extremely extremely extremely rare. Most people are not even aware you can get boy dolls from Dream Choice and think the only way is to buy Kirito or Len 2nd hand at exorbitant prices. In total my doll cost about $800-900 USD including shipping and proxy fees. The doll hobby is always expensive. But this is especially expensive.

3.) My doll is on the larger of the two available boy bodies – but I was still surprised by how small he was. Especially how slender he was. SD17 clothes do NOT fit, both way too big in both width and height. SD13 clothes fit pretty well but the sleeves can be a little short.

4.) The proxy I used was wonderful and kept communication, sent photos, and even let me set up a short 3 month layaway to help shoulder the burden of the high fees. I really recommend Japan Doll Direct. Link here.

5.) This post is mainly full of pictures because the boy dollfie dream dolls are so rare and I have so many female dolls from various companies in various sizes I was asked by multiple people to see multiple dolls together with my boy. That’s what this post is for.

Here is kind of a table of contents to find some of the different doll combos. Click the words to jump scroll to each section:

Dollfie Dream Boy with Dollfie Dream ((Girl)) ((Standard model)):

Dollfie Dream Boy With Dollfie Dream Sister:

Dollfie Dream Boy With DDP Dollfie Dream Pretty:

Dollfie Dream Boy With MDD – Mini Dollfie Dream

Dollfie Dream Boy With Smart Doll ((Girl – Only one female body type available – I show it with a milk girl and cinnamon girl. Volks tan is very close to Smart Doll Cinnamon – very very very close.))

Dollfie Dream Boy with DBS Dream Fairy 1/3 Girl ((She’s way taller than him))

Dollfie Dream Boy with DBS Dream Fairy 1/4 Girl

Dollfie Dream Boy With Azone Petite Iris Obitsu 45/50cm

Dollfie Dream Boy with Dollfie Dream ((Girl)) ((Standard model)):

He is almost exactly the same height and width as the Dollfie Dream Girl Standard Model. Here are some pics. Click on pics to enlarge. They look cute but he appears a bit feminine because his shoulders are so narrow and they are the same height and width as each other.

Dollfie Dream Boy With Dollfie Dream Sister:

This is my most preferred match. They look perfect. She is just an inch or two smaller than him. I think Mariko is white skin which is not easily available. She might be semi-white but I think I remember reading she was white and she looks a tiny bit paler than my semi white girls. Anyways the white (or semi white) skin contrasts nicely with his dark skin. His improved height gives him a more masculine appearance here which is preferred.

Bonus: Dollfie Dream Boy With DD and DDS Girl.

Dollfie Dream Boy With DDP Dollfie Dream Pretty:

If you like the oniichan oneechan look this can work nicely. I wouldn’t go smaller than this (or the Azone/Obitsu equivalent which you’ll see further down.) Unless you’re looking for a father daughter relationship because mdd and mochi ashi look way too small to be romantically linked but I show some pics of mdd too below here. In the end its up to you, but to me, it’s creepy AF lol.

First here’s DDP with the DD Boy.

Dollfie Dream Boy With MDD – Mini Dollfie Dream

And here is MDD with DDBoy. To me this is cringey (if romantic pairing) – but maybe you like this pairing. It is cute as father/daughter though. Piggyback and hand holding. Mochi Ashi would be similar but with thicker thighs but still a small torso and baby shaped hands.

Dollfie Dream Boy With Smart Doll ((Girl – Only one female body type available – I show it with a milk girl and cinnamon girl. Volks tan is very close to Smart Doll Cinnamon – very very very close.))

Smart Doll Girl is a TINY bit taller, an inch or so, compared to DDBoy. But you can bend their waist or legs slightly to line their height up better. I like these pairings. My boyfriend in real life is shorter than me, so the tallness doesn’t bother me much. I really like Milk Alternate Kanata’s expression with my DCH16. They make a cute couple. My Cina Chi also looks good – her skin is also very close to his color – I try to show this in some of the photos.

Dollfie Dream Boy with DBS Dream Fairy 1/3 Girl ((She’s way taller than him))

This one is even taller than Smart Doll. I don’t recommend this pairing. He only comes up to her shoulders and is much more narrow than her.

Dollfie Dream Boy with DBS Dream Fairy 1/4 Girl

Again cringey but not as bad as MDD because this one at least has breasts and a mature figure and no baby hands lol. I think this is still too small but that’s up to you. It’s not as cute for Father/Daughter – and still pretty cringey for romance, so probably my least favorite pairing here.

Azone Petite Iris

I believe this is the Obitsu 45 or 50cm whitey with some exterior skeleton modification by Azone. I actually really like this pairing it’s similar to DDP Dollfie Dream Pretty – the Azone Petite Iris is smaller than DDP – but my DDP is SOOOO Floppy and annoying – I hate it. I dunno why it is that way. I bought it brand new from Volks Japan – it was DDP Ribbon – but I gave the head another body and now my DDP is wearing a different head – I have read numerous people complaining about floppy DDP so I would not recommend the DDP body for any reason to anyone. I greatly prefer any other size doll by Volks – I don’t have a single problem with ANY other size doll just my DDP. And I’m not the only one. Or I also prefer Smartdoll or Obitsu or Azone – pretty much anything except DDP – it’s inferior to every other doll I own – and I own a ton of dolls. That body needs help and I dunno why. – So if you like how DDP looks with DBBoy – here is a good alternative. It’s one of my favorite pairings. I don’t think it’s cringey really. It seems like a normal height difference between most men and women. She can almost stand on her tip toes to kiss him and flat footed she comes up to his shoulders so not bad.

Here’s some pics of the Azone Petite Iris with my DBBoy and DDP

Bonus extra photos of unboxing and group photos

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