How Bingo Sites Are Using Tech to Attract More Players

The world of new technological advancement is booming and these are being used in many types of industries. Bingo is just one of the places that these breakthroughs are present, which may surprise some that think of this is an older person’s hobby. Stick with us as we talk you through what these sites are doing to attract their audience.

Mobile games are big business nowadays, in just a few short years they’ve come to rival PC and console games. Largely thanks to the freemium game model, we’re seeing more and more games emerge onto the market. There are freemium bingo games out there but every site worth its salt is also on mobile now.

These sites can’t be seen to be offering less than their competitors, so some form of mobile play is really essential. This is partially due to the vast increase in smartphone and tablet usage but also partially due to the rapid increase in the number of bingo sites. This makes the market much more competitive, so any site not offering good ways to play will be left in the dust.

Some of the best bingo sites like offer HTML5 technology that allows the user to access the same site on the go. This means the same suite of games and a similar experience no matter how they choose to play. Many players prefer this to an app, as they aren’t forced to download anything and they can keep their device memory at its maximum.

Augmented reality seems to be the next big thing to hit these sites, which is ahead of the curve to say the least. Pokémon Go made the most of this technology and now other bingo brands are thinking of how they could do the same. Seeing bingo cards in real time or a caller as you play would make a huge difference to the quality of these sites. The first to crack this nut will definitely rise above the rest in popularity.

This type of technology is dependent on the peripherals available however, as these dictate the number of players using the technology. Some of these devices will feel too expensive to the average user, so they’ll be less likely to purchase and use them. We predict that the best, most successful sites to use this tech will be the ones to use budget or existing devices, like smartphones, to deliver it. Their player base will be much bigger as a result and the investment into it will be more likely to make a return.

Any new technology is a risky move for these types of sites, as they can’t guarantee that it will pay off. As the bingo market becomes more saturated, it’s worth it for them to invest the money to offer something unique. It’s becoming harder for these sites to make a splash or stand out, so investment into new technologies is essential. Who knows, this may even lead a site to come up with something new entirely.


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