Three Things I Will Miss About My Pixel 3

I will be switching back to Iphone. My green Iphone 11 is supposed to be delivered by end of the day tomorrow. My reason for switching is to have a more secure device. I fell victim to the camera hack as well as within the past 6 months, 3 different accounts of mine have been hacked – I can’t prove it’s my phone’s fault, but I had the Iphone 6 – up until Pixel 3, and never had been hacked. The reasons for which are varied, for example Iphone is a tightly controlled app marketplace. While it’s not impossible for a rogue app to sneak in, it’s definitely more difficult. Another reason Iphone is more secure is because Android is the most widely used platform, similar to how many computer attackers aim their threats at windows because it dominates the market. They want to attack where the most people are. Lastly, Google’s convenience in password storage and account linking makes it easier for attackers to get all of your information in one place. read more

If You’re A Hot Wheels Collector, Better Read This

hot wheels

If You’re A Hot Wheels Collector, Better Read This 

I think that at some point of our lives, we tend to find something that really grows on us. Like, we become attached to it and we want to have more of it in our lives. I don’t know if you’ve found yours yet but I’m pretty confident that you eventually will. It just so happens that some people find this “thing” in their lives early while others discover it much later on. 

If you’re not quite sure of what I’m talking about, well, I’m talking about your life collection. read more

A3! Actor Training Game Review

I had previously played the Japanese version briefly of A3! Act, Actor, Addict, an otome simulation game that puts you in the role of a young woman looking for her father who went missing 8 years ago.

Cybrid has now released an English version of the game, which is good, because this one has almost no gameplay, and tons of reading (as most Otome and Visual novels). Which is why I only played the JP version very briefly, because I can’t read Japanese, and with little gameplay, and no story (since I couldn’t understand it) it became boring quickly. But now that it is in English, I’m enjoying it quite a bit. read more

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