Three Things I Will Miss About My Pixel 3

I will be switching back to Iphone. My green Iphone 11 is supposed to be delivered by end of the day tomorrow. My reason for switching is to have a more secure device. I fell victim to the camera hack as well as within the past 6 months, 3 different accounts of mine have been hacked – I can’t prove it’s my phone’s fault, but I had the Iphone 6 – up until Pixel 3, and never had been hacked. The reasons for which are varied, for example Iphone is a tightly controlled app marketplace. While it’s not impossible for a rogue app to sneak in, it’s definitely more difficult. Another reason Iphone is more secure is because Android is the most widely used platform, similar to how many computer attackers aim their threats at windows because it dominates the market. They want to attack where the most people are. Lastly, Google’s convenience in password storage and account linking makes it easier for attackers to get all of your information in one place.

But there are several things I am really going to miss about my Pixel 3. Here are the top three things I will miss the most.

1.) Google Assistant

I find Google Assistant to be extremely helpful. I use it to take photos, set my alarm, search the internet, and any other number of things. Iphone has Siri but it’s still not the exact same thing as Google’s AI.

2.) The camera

I think the Iphone 11 Camera will be good – but I will miss the macro photography on the Pixel 3. As doll photography is my main hobby, I find I use macro more than any other type of photography. A lot of what makes a good Macro shot on the Pixel 3 is Google’s AI for the camera.

3.) Qoo App

The phone’s downfall is also its strength. An open app marketplace with a lot of apps. Qoo App which I’ve reviewed here before is an app that lets you easily get and keep updated apps from Asian countries such as Japan, China, and Korea. As an anime gamer, I will miss this – however; I know a work around on the Iphone to get games from the Japanese or Korean apple play stores.

There are other things I will miss too, the great clean interface that I’ve gotten used to. It is a beautiful user experience. Maybe the best I have seen. I’ll miss the cute “Not Pink” color – although I do love the tiffany blue mint green Iphone color too. And lastly, I’ll miss the unlimited online storage for the photos and videos of Pixel 3. There are many other great things about this phone that I will really miss. I haven’t had an Iphone since 6S… so I am a little unsure what to expect in Iphone 11. Time will tell if I’m happy with my trade-in or not. At least I got a great deal, a straight trade without having to pay anything except tax and that’s for the 256gb model, thanks to some great Black Friday specials running now with the major carriers. Goodbye Pixel 3, and hello to the next big thing.

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