The Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover : a shame for the manga world

The Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover : a shame for the manga world How far will things go? Where is the limit between passion for mangas and sex addiction? Do people buy a Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover only to hug it ? Obviously not. Which makes this accessory a real shame to the manga world.

A Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover, really?

Yes, you heard us well, it really exists. This pillow cover designed by illustrator Konomi is indeed shaped as a Y and really pictures a naked anime girl. You just have to put your pillow in the place of the head and two bolsters in the place of each leg and here you are, in bed with a fictive naked anime girl. Now, what will you do? Just hug it, really? Actually, if you consider the japanese for “hugging”, which is “daku” and also mean “have sex”, you might only “daku” it, but not in the prospect of a quick, chaste squeeze, let’s be realistic.

If only the pillow case would only have one side designed, we could almost believe in the honesty of the pillow designer, telling yourself that nudism is actually part of anime – at least a little -, but really when the pillow case is double-sided, with the character in the process of undressing on one side and completely out of her clothes on the reverse, let’s be honest, there is absolutely no doubt about what the accessory is aiming for.

神風に挟まれたい抱き枕カバー サンプル写真撮ってみました✨
挟まれたい本体、沖田さんカバー・古明地さとりカバーも 9/10 24時迄です

— konomi★きのこのみ (@konominoco) 6 septembre 2017

Nudism in the manga world

And yes, nudism is definitely part of the manga world, let’s not fool ourselves. It is not in all animes, of course, but many show some scenes of nudity, this is certain. Still, it is far from being the central point in our favourite animes and if we like them so much, it is definitely not only for those scenes.

Problem is, if it was just some nudity that was shown, we could understand how fans would get used to see naked people. But they could just take some nudist holidays to fill their craving. Thing is, it is not only nudity but actual sex temptation. And there, even naturist resorts wouldn’t be any help.

So what do people outside the manga world think when they see those kinds of objects as the Y-shaped pillow case? Probably that if the fan didn’t have it, he would maybe fulfill his needs somewhere else, like near schools? Really, such accessories are a shame to the manga world and will never help breaking the taboo on gaming and addiction.

One thought on “The Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover : a shame for the manga world

  1. Yikes, Japan’s dating and birth rate are low right now as well. I don’t care they hump pillows I just don’t like it when the art makes the girls look under age :/

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