The Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover : a shame for the manga world

The Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover : a shame for the manga world How far will things go? Where is the limit between passion for mangas and sex addiction? Do people buy a Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover only to hug it ? Obviously not. Which makes this accessory a real shame to the manga world.

A Y-shaped naked anime girl pillow cover, really?

Yes, you heard us well, it really exists. This pillow cover designed by illustrator Konomi is indeed shaped as a Y and really pictures a naked anime girl. You just have to put your pillow in the place of the head and two bolsters in the place of each leg and here you are, in bed with a fictive naked anime girl. Now, what will you do? Just hug it, really? Actually, if you consider the japanese for “hugging”, which is “daku” and also mean “have sex”, you might only “daku” it, but not in the prospect of a quick, chaste squeeze, let’s be realistic. read more

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