HTC Vive vs Oculus Rift Pros and Cons

I put together a quick little list of my research on the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift – I don’t have hands on experience yet, because I’m poor, and my blog is not popular enough to score me sweet free demo equipment LOL. — But I’m very interested in these – especially the Rift.

In my opinion, I’d buy the Oculus Rift because 1.) Exclusive Games – though it’s early days still, it’s estimated the Oculus Rift will have far more exclusives than the HTC Vive – I kinda view these headsets as actual gaming platforms (though they’re not because they still require a PC to play) – and we all know the most important thing in “living room gaming” is not the specs under the hood (which in the case of the Vive and Rift are pretty equal) – but instead, the importance has always been on Exclusives. — It’s why I have no console bias – If a console has a great exclusive that I want, I will buy the console. Now granted, these headsets are more expensive than a traditional console, but they’re also a lot more technologically advanced under the hood. read more

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