My Disney World October 2 – October 9, 2021 Upcoming Travel Planning Trip Itinerary – As COVID and Delta Variants Rage Across Florida

Many of you may know that I am getting married in about 3 weeks. And that for my honeymoon – since I can’t go to Japan because the borders are still closed – I plan to travel to Walt Disney World. Right now the trip is scheduled to occur October 2nd through October 9th of 2021. I wanted to wait until their 50th anniversary – and also until it was not so hot and humid.

The only other time I’ve been to Walt Disney World was for the 25th anniversary which, I’m 40 now, so that was 25 years ago when I was 15 – or possibly 16 – because their celebrations last a year+. I remember it being a sweet 16 present from my grandma (nana). But I can’t remember if I had turned 16 just yet or if it was before that. Anyways, needless to say, a LOT has changed since the last time I visited Walt Disney World. read more

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