What Am I Listening To This Week 8/3/2020 – GeekySweetie Recommended Top 20 Music Videos.

Hey it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these posts. Who’s ready for some more music videos? šŸ™‚

Here’s GeekySweetie’s recommended videos for you this week. Check em out. Have a song you’ve been listening to this week? Drop it in my comments section so I can check it out too! šŸ™‚

  1. Hello My Loneliness By Delaney Jane and Call Me Karizma – These are 2 really great indie underground artists who definitely deserve more love! I just discovered them today under youtube recommended videos which inspired me to create this post. The girl only has 15,000 subscribers and the guy has under 200,000. Let’s show them some more love!

2. Strumbella’s Salvation – I heard this in Sheetz ( a gas station), but only for a moment, and what struck me was the lyrics. I spent almost an hour googling the lyrics before I found the song – and this one came up and the begining didn’t sound like what I heard so I skipped over it at first, but after finally circling back to it, and listening to the whole thing, I’m like OMG that’s it. The beginning is different than the ending verse, even the melody changes. But the message is so powerful and so touching. My favorite lyrics, and the ones I heard in Sheetz say: read more

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