Review: Nintendo Switch Hundred Year Kingdom Sucks And Is Not Even Worth the Six Dollar Sales Price Right Now

Title says it all. I just finished my first playthru of Hundred Year Kingdom and it sucks donkey balls – here’s why. No story, no CG scenes, barely able to see this world you built, mindlessly clicking and spamming the confirm button = no real gameplay and definitely no strategy. Complete waste of $6. And I really pity anyone who paid full price even at a paltry sum of $12.

So what is this game all about?

You have a goddess companion who does nothing except put some idle chat on the left hand side of your screen or occassionally claim she found money or items. She has no personality or character development at all. And neither do you (or whoever the Main Character is.) No real meaningful interactions. no backstory, no nothing, nadda, zip. read more

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