This Magical School Anime JRPG Simulator is Everything – and it needs your help!

I just discovered Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant which according to the developer, “is an action-packed magical school simulator with a classic JRPG twist. You play the principal of an academy, tasked with training your students to save the world, all while finding missing cats, delivering love letters, and helping elderly ladies to cross the road… oh and fighting monsters.”


  • School-simulation JRPG
  • Unique 2.5D graphics
  • Real-time battle system
  • Manage and build your school
  • Recruit and train your students
  • Promote your students into various class levels
  • Multiple endings
  • For Pc, Mac, and Linux, Available on Steam and DRM Free
  • Job Class System similar to FF5
  • Crafting System

The gameplay is 2 fold, focusing on managing your students so that they graduate, and then selecting a job class for them similar to Final Fantasy 5. Your students then go out and battle monster with a real-time active combat system.

Also, if you back the kickstarter, you get access to kickstarter exclusive backer reward “Night Mode” In which you may be surprised by your students’ behaviors after hours. Such things, remind me fondly of Graduation 95 by Mixx.

Kickstarter page here:

It’s also being compared to Harry Potter.

The bad news is… they only have 2 weeks left to reach their funding goal! OH NOES. We need to #MakeItHappen

Go go throw money at your screens. We NEED this game!

The game has already been Greenlit on Steam. – though I’m getting an error when I try to access this page right now.

Also, you can play the previous Valthirian Arc games to understand its gameplay.

Valthirian Arc 1:
Valthirian Arc 2:


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