Galaxy Rose Review From Dose Of Roses.

I recently ordered a galaxy rose from . This is not a sponsored post or sponsored review. I simply purchased the item because I thought it was beautiful. I only bought one single rose.

I took a video unboxing review of the rose which you can see here:

I took another second video outside on my balcony in the sunlight – It is truly beautiful! Just like the website. Amazing.

A few things I like about the rose:

It’s beautiful, it reflects the light

It comes with a stand to stand it up right

A few things I dislike about the rose:

It’s very light weight – I highly highly highly highly doubt it’s plated in gold

I even doubt if it’s a real rose, the petals kinda feels like paper to be honest

It said fast shipping from California – I waited about a month and it came from China, had that strong China factory smell, had some cheap Chinese packaging – had a “test result” card trying to claim it was real gold – it’s mostly in Chinese so I can’t read this results card and it says 999% gold LOL wtf… maybe 0.999% gold…. MAYBE… I think it’s plastic… Paper and Plastic…

Final Thoughts:

I’m hoping it’s maybe a real frozen rose – because at least THAT part would still be cool! I don’t care if it’s dipped in gold lol. The thought of each one being unique and a real rose is pretty awesome, but I just dunno. I can’t really say with certainty that it is a real rose…

I had/have an emerald dipped gold rose from a jewelry store many many many years ago and it’s very heavy and feels very different than this… In comparison, this feels cheap/fake/light….

But ultimately… Don’t care? I think it’s still really pretty! I’m still happy with my Galaxy Rose… fake or legit – who cares? I think when I purchased it, it was on sale like $14.99. I think it’s gone up a few dollars now, but I would say it’s still worth it if you find it pretty. I do find it pretty even if it’s just made of foil paper lol.

Overall, Aesthetically I give it 5 stars, but quality like 2 stars maybe, and that’s being generous LOL.

The Galaxy Rose from Dose of Roses is extremely beautiful – but extremely low quality feeling – so if we split it down the middle, it’s probably like 3 or 3 and a half stars – It has merit as a pretty piece of home decor – but not sure if their claims of being real frozen roses and/or dipped in gold are believable.

Would I buy from Dose of Roses again? Maybe – I think for the quality the price should only be maybe $10-12. I wouldn’t pay over that because I’m pretty sure it’s fake and mass produced in China lol.

The website Dose of Roses does have other pretty colors/kinds of roses.

There are in fact real frozen roses and real gold plated roses – but I suspect that the ones sold at Dose of Roses are made of really pretty foil paper and plastic… I’m not a jeweler or appraiser – I’m not an expert, I am just saying they feel cheap and fake and the Chinese “test results” aren’t very convincing lol.

They are still amazingly beautiful and I love the way the color changes in the light, sometimes it looks white, yellow, or even pink or blue, depending on its environment and how it catches the light.

Dose of Roses also offers discounts if you buy multiple roses at one time (for example to create a bouquet.

I think a wedding bouquet from Dose of Roses would be AMAZING! I might do that if I ever get to marry my boyfriend – not only are they BLINGY and BEAUTIFUL – but they last FOREVER – and from a distance they do in fact look like real roses – but more importantly, you could display your bouqet in your home keeping it as a treasured keepsake of your wedding day and it’s cheaper and more affordable than a real rose bouquet that’s going to wilt and die and be thrown away like garbage.

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