Doki Doki June Box Opening Subscription Crate Review

As you can see from my instagram posts – I got my DokiDoki Crate today. My final verdict is do not subscribe to this crate — It has cute stuff, but the stuff inside was worth MAYBE 10 bucks, and that’s REALLY fricken stretching it lol. — I’d say its worth about 5 bucks. I paid $15 with a coupon. Regularly they charge $30 — which is almost criminal if you ask me. It was FULL of TINY teeny tiny JUNK. I subscribe ALSO to Pusheen Crate which is the same price and full of SUPER high quality, wonderful, LARGE items. — This is like literally full of 25 cent trinkets, no lie.— Some of them are adorable of course — but I feel they are charging too much. This box should be about 10 a month, tops. maybe 15 to count for shipping and handling, max.

It does have some exclusives (the yellow plush) and some nice and cute things (the snoopy blindbox figure is brand new in Japan and hard to find or so I’m told. – and since it’s “Series One” it’ll probably go up in price). I even really like some of the lil “trinkets” and “cheap items” – the pink “blob” charm “bracelet” or purse/cell phone charm thing is really cute and feminine. I also like the panda “button” pin a lot. But really I’m not seeing much worth the high subscription price here. — The snoopy figure is REALLY well made, A+++. It’s heavy, articulated, bends, poses, and is really cute. — I think he alone is probably worth 10 bucks, which then justifies I guess the other stuff being cheaper — For the price I paid which is half off of what they normally charge. I even wrote in the cancellation request when they asked, I said value not worth price and told them if it was around $18 I’d probably have stayed on board. Which Just FYI, is about the cost of Kawaii Box, and I feel their items are of similar quality. Just not worth $30 when there’s better boxes out there in terms of quality for that price.

If for some reason you feel so compelled to shell out $30 bucks for this box, it can be found at

But I think there’s better crates out there. (such as Pusheen crate which I’ve reviewed here.)

The next crate I get will be Betoyo, a subscription box just for figurines for $28 a month, – I will sign up probably next month. Stay tuned for more box openings and reviews. Summer Pusheen Box will also be shipping out soon so stay tuned for that as well.

Here are the pictures from my Doki Doki June 2016 Crate. If you’d like to see comments (both my own and others’ replies to them) about each item please check out my instagram account here. thanks.

Edit: On my instagram on the notes about the snoopy figure, I totally had a brainfart moment. My snoopy is actually one of the most rare. The chances of finding him are 1 out of 60. For some reason I was reading it as there were 60 available lol. (when really there’s thousands of them but yeah, brainfart) While the others are like 1 out of 3 odds, etc. So My snoopy kicks ass and happy with that – I’d be happy with him even if he was “common” cuz he’s cute and well made. šŸ™‚


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2 thoughts on “Doki Doki June Box Opening Subscription Crate Review

  1. This month’s crate had me so disappointed that I just had to unsubscribe. Everything in the box did not equal to 30 dollars. I had faith in doki doki box even with the whole scandal with the bootleg items but honestly, they’re just giving you a bunch of junk that just clutters and isn’t worth it. It’s a real shame too, I feel like this subscription box has so many options to give good quality items but it’s been wasted on garbage for far too long. I switched my subscription to the japan crate, where at least I know my money will be well spent and i’ll get things i’ll enjoy and use.

    1. I agree :*( It’s really disappointing because the packaging and marketing make it seem really great and exciting, but in the end it’s very “cheap” stuff. I wouldn’t mind if the price was more inline with similar boxes such as Kawaii Crate at about $18 a month, but $30 a month is better spent elsewhere. This stuff is definitely not worth that much. I bet even with the 50% off Coupon I used, they still made a big profit — I’m all for businesses making a profit – and that in turn brings fans more products that we want and love and is good for everyone – but I just feel they could still make a nice profit and lower the monthly cost of the box. I’m going to switch my sub to Betoyo soon – already canceled Doki Doki. We’ll see how that one turns out since it’s similarly priced at $28 a month.

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