Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Raises the Bar

Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Raises the Bar

Guest Post by Michael Lan at Anime Zeal

When you think of MMORPGs, it’s no surprise for the big three to come to mind: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, and Final Fantasy XIV. Up until recently, I would say these three have been pretty evenly matched with the exception of Guild Wars 2 not seeing as much popularity as the other two. But with the release of Stormblood, I would say Final Fantasy XIV has taken the lead!

If you haven’t seen the official launch trailer yet, check it out here! read more

5 Best Anime Games of 2016

5 Best Anime Games of 2016

Continuing the long standing tradition of converting shows and comics into video games (or vice versa), 2016 has delivered us a slew of very decent games. Compared to their predecessors, these games have come a long way from the old days when Bandai meant a relatively short and generic gameplay experience.

But enough stalling; you came here for a list of great games, and here it is! Just be sure you’ve got the right console to play on.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 read more

Best Laptops for PC Gamers That Won’t Drain Your Bank Account!

Editor’s Note: Today’s Guest Post comes from one of our readers, Marie Miguel, who shares with us some awesome prices for “gaming” laptops. Not all of the laptops on her list are suitable for “Core” gamers because some of them have intel integrated graphics cards – however, quite a few on her list do have Nvidia or AMD dedicated graphic cards – and all of them on the list would be suitable for casual gamers who enjoy indie or retro games. Check out her suggestions below, and leave a comment about your gaming rig – or about other great deals for affordable gaming laptops – in our comments section below. read more

8 Ways The Big Bang Theory Made Nerds Cool Again

big bang theory

Editor’s Note: Today’s Guestpost comes from Jeremy at who shares how he believes the Big Bang Theory helped make nerds “cool again”.  If you’re a nerd too, check out Jeremy’s shop for awesome pop-culture tshirts and more.

Eight Ways The Big Bang Theory Made Nerds Cool Again

Eight Ways The Big Bang Theory Made Nerds Cool Again



Geeks have taken over prime time television with their own show, and have lovers of all things nerdy and scientific tuning in. Ever since the first series premiered in September 2007, The Big Bang Theory has captivated and entertained audiences with its clever yet wholesome comedy. Centered on the social lives and work of a young group of scientists, the show revolutionized the way we see comedy and made being a nerd cool again. So, hold on to your pocket protectors, because, as avid fans of the hit television series, we have a comprised a list of 8 ways The Big Bang Theory Made Nerds Cool Again. read more

Dedicated and Untethered VR headset to be released by Samsung

Editor’s Comments: Today’s Guest Post comes from Gamingbabe who wants to share news about Samsung’s new stand-alone VR headset. I’m excited to see another VR headset coming to market. Although it’s not available in the US yet, it recently released a much improved version of their Samsung Gear VR in South Korea for a price tag equivalent to just $350 which makes it less than half the cost of the HTC Vive or Occulus Rift. It’s also much beefier tech wise compared to Samsung’s current VR headsets – It will be interesting to see how it fits into the picture and how much attention and market share it will receive if and when it releases in the US. read more

Pittsburgh Guest Blogger Event

Hi everyone! Happy April Fool’s Day. Awhile back I was contacted by Alexander who told me about a “Blogathon” event in which local bloggers from the Pittsburgh area exchange guest posts and invited to participate. Today’s the day that these posts go live!

I did a post about where to find the best arcades in Pittsburgh which you can check out over on

And I’m hosting a post (seen below) from Blogger Josh Croyle of “Josh’s World” whose site is at Here’s what Josh had to say about what comics he’d recommend to my readers. read more

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