How I Decide Which Games To Play

I own so many console and computer games, not to mention hundreds of mobile games, some from other countries even, and I have a husband and 2 cats and a full-time job. So how do I decide which games are worth my time, and which ones aren’t? This answer is different for everyone.

I created the flow chart here as a window into my thought process. Disclaimer: my thought process is just my opinion. It is not fact. My opinion is probably different from your opinion. If you’re a long-time reader and fan of my blog and like the games I cover here, you may also share some of the same opinions as myself. If you’re new and somehow stumbled into here, well sorry if my opinion is different from yours. Let’s just all go enjoy our games and be happy and not put each others’ opinions down. read more

Why Nintendo Sports On Nintendo Switch Will Appeal To Casual Female Gamers

Nintendo Sports, the latest release in the Wii Sports series will definitely appeal to many readers of my blog here. Not only are the games fun, but there’s tons of Gacha Style elements with limited dressup items dropping every week. Gotta catch em all. It will take a lot of online play to earn enough points to spin that gacha and each gacha only sticks around for about 2 weeks. Nintendo has said they want to release new cosmetic items every week. The game’s only been out less than a week and they’ve released 3 Gacha so far. One of them is ending in about 5 days. If you manage to get all the items in the gacha, you also get some awesome super rare event dressup items. It honestly reminds me a bit of Miitomo which I miss so much. read more

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