The online casino revolution of the last few decades has heralded many changes. Various games such as pokies, poker, roulette, and baccarat have become popular in digital forms.
In fact, pokies and poker are one of the most popular casino games available online, with many pokies’ sites offering bonuses for players, and poker sites attracting players through live poker tournaments.
Out of both games, poker has developed the most, what once was a sociable offline game is now a large video game available online.
For many years poker had a slightly dubious reputation as being a male-dominated game played in smoky back rooms for money. The money aspect is still very much with us, but the type of player has changed out of all recognition.
All of the leading sites know that they must appeal to as wide a player base as possible. Whereas previously the game was far from being inclusive, the opposite is now true. So, you can expect to find games for every level of player, blogs about how to play and online tutorials too.
But while most players can receive all the answers, they need about playing poker from the sites themselves, one question not often addressed is whether a PC, a smartphone or a tablet is the best device to play on.
Each has its advantages which we’ll examine in turn, along with some drawbacks too.
PC poker
Dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists would have you believe that a PC is the only way to go, and they certainly have plenty of reasons to back up this assertion. After all, the very first games of online poker were designed for PC play and they have been continually refined ever since.
It’s undoubtedly true that the large screen size of a desktop or laptop computer will show you all the detail necessary. There is also plenty of room to indulge in multi-table games simultaneously. There’s also the chance to add extra screens, proven to increase productivity at work, so why not in playing poker too?
The fact that you also have a keyboard, and a mouse means that all the necessary controls are at your fingertips.
So, on a purely practical level, a PC does seem like the logical choice.
Then there are other aspects that also need to be taken into consideration.
The first of these is that poker is a game that needs concentration if you’re going to win, certainly far more than other casino games like slots and even roulette. The fact that you sit in front of the screen, ideally with headphones on to block out all distractions, means that you can give your game, or games, your undivided attention.
If you’re involved in a long and drawn-out cash game or a tournament the fact that you’re in a comfortable position with a generously proportioned screen to look at will also help your stamina to hang in there to the finish.
Going mobile

That’s not to say that plenty of people don’t play online poker very successfully on their mobile phones too.
While the screen may be smaller and the controls more limited, these don’t necessarily have to hinder player performance or enjoyment.
Naturally, the big advantage of playing online poker on a mobile phone is that you can do it wherever there’s a wi-fi network and an opportunity.
It’s perfect for when you want to play a quick few hands, although there are likely to be a more limited number of games and game varieties to choose from.
Most of the top poker sites also now have apps which means an end to browser-based play. Because these have also been 100% optimised for mobile play they make for a very slick and intuitive experience.
Unfortunately, there are also a couple of downsides to using a mobile to play and the first of these is the reliability of a wireless connection. It can be very frustrating when the action freezes mid-game, not to mention a potentially costly experience.
Similarly, suddenly finding that your smartphone is nearly out of charge and there’s no charger handy can be a very unwelcome interruption to a game.
Try a tablet instead.
For a sort of half-way house between a PC and a smartphone, quite a few players have started to use a tablet. The bigger screen size can sometimes be nearly as large as a smaller laptop and there’s also the opportunity to attach a keyboard if you like.
Any mobile app will also work on a tablet, but it will also give you a more practical browser-based option than a mobile phone will.
So, it sits in the sort of mid-ground between PC and smartphone.
As to which to choose, it’s very much down to the individual and their circumstances when playing the game.
For long sessions needing concentration a PC or laptop is the answer, but for more casual poker play, a smartphone can be perfect. And, if you want the best of both worlds, keep taking the tablets.