The 4 Best Mini Games Inside Real Games

Video games have come a long way in the last twenty years, and you can usually tell how modern a game is by what type of content it includes. Mini games have been a part of mainstream video games forever; however, new technology has allowed developers to be more creative with how they include these minigames in the main title. Some open-world games may allow the player character to visit a digital arcade and interact with the games there, for example, or a fantasy RPG may include a few card games in the local tavern.

Sometimes, these mini games end up being just as fun as the main experience. With that said, here are some of the best mini games found inside real games.

Crash Bandicoot: Uncharted 4

If you need proof of how far video games have come, you only need to look at the Uncharted series. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is an action-adventure game for the PlayStation 4 back in 2016 by developers Naughty Dog. If that name sounds familiar, it might be because Naughty Dog was the developer behind the incredibly popular Crash Bandicoot trilogy in the late 90s.

The company saw its chance to combine both properties when Uncharted 4 was released. Toward the beginning of the game, players can use the main character to interact with the TV. From here, you will be loaded into the first Crash Bandicoot game and can play the entire game from start to finish. It almost seems impossible that a game of such size and acclaim in the 90s can now be played as a side exercise in today’s gaming landscape, but that’s how things move forward.

Slot Machines: Pokémon Red, Blue And Yellow

Slot games might not be the first thing you would expect to find in this type of game; however, the first ever games in the popular Pokémon franchise allowed the player to visit the game’s corner and play slots. Now the Gameboy could only run one type of slot game, and it was nothing compared to the casino games you will find on online casino sites like Online Casino Review, still, this inclusion was an inventive and unexpected move from the developer at the time.

Players could use their in-game currency to spin the reels to match pay lines and earn more coins, win rare Pokémon, or new fighting moves for your team via the TM system. This feature wasn’t included in some of the international versions of these games where gambling is illegal, and some of the newer remakes have entirely removed this mini game feature for obvious reasons. However, there was a time when you could play slot games inside a Pokémon game.

Five Finger Fillet: Red Dead Redemption Series

Five Finger Fillet is an incredibly dangerous game, one that should not be played in real life by anyone. This old pub game requires the player to move a knife or similar sharp object, between their fingers on a flat surface at speed so they hit the surface and not their own fingers. Hitting your fingers can result in serious injury, which is why many players choose to engage in this game while inebriated.

Since the first two Red Dead Redemption games from Rockstar are open-world games set in the old west, this mini game fits in the taverns perfectly. Players can play a digital version of five finger fillet by moving the controller stick quickly to earn some digital currency. It is just as hard as the real game and far less dangerous for the player. Fail at this game, and your character will lose money and take damage. Win though, and you could earn some digital coins for your adventure through the wild west.

Gwent: The Witcher 3

Gwent is an odd card game that many The Witcher players claim to avoid. This mini game is a card game you can interact with at many taverns and pubs in the fantasy setting. However, the player can collect some of the cards for the game while exploring the open world that is based on Medieval Poland. Some of the cards you find will improve your chance of winning some digital currency in the game the next time you play.

As you can imagine, the setting of The Witcher 3 has you crossing grassy plains, cold mountains, and spooky forests. Therefore, Gwent provides you with another collectable that forces you to explore this detailed open world and another way to play this fantastic fantasy RPG. Although, it is entirely possible to finish The Witcher 3 without playing a single game of Gwent despite some fan’s protestations.


There you have just some examples of the best mini games inside real games. You don’t have to go off the beaten track to give these games a try; however, it is always fun when you do.

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