Smart Doll Fortuitous Box Opening Unboxing Video

I recently purchased my first Smart Doll, via a product called Smart Doll Fortuitous. I have owned similar dolls from other manufacturers such as Dollfie Dream by Volks, Hujoo, and Resin Balljointed Dolls, just to name a few. So I already had a good idea what to expect.

This blog post features a video of my unboxing below, and is sprinkled with photos I’ve taken of my new doll. In the video I mention that I thought I’d received her default wig, but someone kindly pointed out to me, that it was actually Crimson’s default wig, which is no longer available on the site, and I’ve had a ton of compliments/offers to buy the wig – but I’m waiting to hopefully get a boy – maybe Gemini – or maybe a custom Dollfie Dream like a tan dollpoint akihabara boy :). So I think I’ll hang onto the wig for now. I do like how the wig is all choppy/shaggy in the back/kinda spikey, I just think it will suit a boy better :). I like my girls to be all girly-girls. lol. read more

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