At Home or On the Go: Which Gaming Style is Most Popular?

At Home or On-The-Go: Which Gaming Style is The Most Popular?

According to, an online video gaming magazine, more than 1.8 billion people play video games across the world. Considering that the current global population is around 7 billion, that comes to approximately one in every four people who play at least one video game every month.

So, the big question is – how many people play at home and how many play on-the-go? Would the average game prefer to play the powerful empire in Final Fantasy XV at home or on-the-go? read more

Infographic History of Videogames

List Enthusiast has a really awesome infographic about the history of videogames which they’ve allowed me to republish with their permission. I had no idea about some of these early gaming inventions and the impact they’ve had on gamers over the past 60 years. Did you? Which era of gaming is your favorite? This infographic leaves off my personal favorite era of gaming, which I would call “Console Gaming” – It starts to dabble into the history a bit, with Atari but then it jumps to Dreamcast? That leaves out the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis (and peripherals) that defined the 16bit and 32bit era as well as the predecessors the Saturn and N64 which will always be among my favorite gaming platforms. read more

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