DanganRonpa Now Available on Steam

Danganronpa is a game series in which you find yourself captive by a cute but terrifyingly evil teddy bear who wants to play a game with you and the other students. The only way to graduate from his twisted school is to get away with murder. He encourages you and the others to kill each other, and once a dead body is discovered there will be a trial in which you and the other students decide who the murderer was. If you guess correctly, the murderer is punished by the death penalty, if you are incorrect however, it’s you and the other students who will be put to death and the murderer allowed to roam free. read more

Danganronpa 3 Trailer at Tokyo Gameshow 2015 Coming to PS4 and Vita

TGS2015 is still underway in Japan, and new game announcements are still trickling in. One game that I’m really excited for is the upcoming Danganronpa 3 which is a series of games that plays a lot like the Phoenix Wright games.

You find yourself locked in a school and engaged in a “game” in which the only way you can ever leave the school is if you can successfully murder a classmate without getting caught. Of course, as the hero in the game, you instead are trying to focus on a way to escape without having to kill anyone. But your life may also be in danger if wrongly accused or if the killer goes free. After each murder, as soon as a victim is found, you’re allowed to investigate the crime scene and question your classmates for clues. Then there’s a trial in which you continue your questioning and present your evidence as to who you think is behind the murders. read more

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