Sweet Dance Online Anime Dressup Mobile Music Dancing Game

I just started playing Sweet Dance, a pretty cute mobile game with a variety of music hits from around the world. Songs include English hits from the US and Europe as well as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese tracks.

The game has several different dance modes. In the first dance mode, bubble mode, you must simply tap the bubbles on the screen. In Trail mode you must tap left, right, or both sides of your screen depending on the colors of the bubbles. Pink is Right. Blue is left. Yellow is both. The beginning mandatory tutorial only makes you play Bubble mode so I was confused when I played Trail mode but eventually figured it out. There’s also a beat mode which is like DDR for your fingers. In beat mode you must quickly punch in a sequence of arrow movements and then lock in your sequence at the right time with the beat button (The right time is when the red dot is near the white line).

You can dance alone or with friends or random people. There’s also a couples dance mode where your score is combined with a partner.

It’s a very social game too with features like a guild and global chat rooms and private messaging. There’s even a marriage system in the game.

Most of the players seem quite young. Ive seen the majority seem to be 12-16. I’m 38 and I haven’t seen many other 30 year olds lol. It makes me feel a little awkward lol. If you’re 30 plus send me a message let’s be dance friends lol .

So I saved the best part for last, it’s also a kawaii Dressup game. Some items are temporary lasting only days, but others are permanent and it’s not that hard to get permanent items. I played only one day and never spent real money and already have permanent shoes, hair, and my sweet dress with wings. All permanent. And totally free to play.

There’s lots of events and ways to get free items by completing quests or exchange tickets for egg plumes or weekly free wishes in the fountains that grant rare items too.

2 thoughts on “Sweet Dance Online Anime Dressup Mobile Music Dancing Game

    1. Hi Johana – thanks for visiting my blog. In Sweet Dance Online, many of the dress-up items are time limited and need to be repurchased after so many days. Some items are permanent, but most of the items, especially those for free or “in game currency” do expire. It should say on the corner of the image how many days are remaining. Hope that helps.

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