Her Story – Multiple Personalities Or Twins? My Theory, and Supporting Evidence

Her story is an awesome “game” – though it’s not really a game in the traditional sense. You watch some video clips and pick up on key words or phrases in those clips to find more video clips to watch. The premise is that a woman has murdered her husband, and you have to figure out her motive. While “playing” the game, you interview the woman over the course of several days. Each clip is only a few seconds long; and they’re never in chronological order, or make much sense out of context. It’s up to you to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and form your own conclusion. You learn pretty quickly; that there are 2 women being interviewed, Hannah, and Eve. But are Hannah and Eve; really two people? Or are they one person with a Dissociative Identity disorder?

When I started this game; I thought I had it ALL figured out within the first hour of play; this HAD to be a case of Multiple Personality Disorder. BUT then the more clips I watched; the more confused I became. The more I started to believe that it could possibly really be two people.

Namely the tattoo; in ALMOST all of the clips; Hannah wears sleeves JUST long enough to hide any tattoos; BUT in a few clips she is almost sleeveless completely; and there’s no tattoo… They are:


ALSO the Lie detector scene… Eve says her name is Hannah, AND that is the only question she fails. It could be argued that it’s because she genuinely believes she is Eve at that moment. But later; I realized the truth. (More on that in a bit)… The lie detector clips are:


On my first play through of this game, with over 50% of the clips watched; I felt COMPLETELY divided and torn as to if they were one person, or two people. I was literally 50/50 and completely unsure…. BUT I just replayed it again and NOW I’m 100% SURE that it is one person with a personality disorder… And that that person’s legal name is Eve, not Hannah.

How Can I be so sure?

ClipD154-A.MPEG Date 30/06/94 With “Hannah” Detective asks if she ever cheated on Simon; she gets angry and says no she’s never been unfaithful.

ClipD162-A.MPEG Date 01/07/94 (the day after the clip above) — This one is with Eve. Detectives ask have you ever cheated on Simon. She says “You asked that question yesterday”.

These clips can be accessed with search term “cheated”

Also in clip D188-A.MPEG (search term arrest) Hannah says “can you arrest someone who doesn’t exist?” which would also align with the multiple personality theory. – Hannah does not exist / is not a real person. THAT’s why it’s the only question in the lie detector scene that Eve fails. Eve’s real name is Eve! Hannah is the personality that she made up due to her neglect/abuse as a child. ALL the crazy fucked up shit about being locked in an attic and not allowed to leave the house, all of that shit is 100% true. She created Hannah as a way to “cope” with her reality. When she was Hannah she could pretend she was someone elses’ daughter, someone who was loved, celebrated birthdays, went on adventures, etc.

The other thing that I think really supports them being one and the same is the fact that both personalities are pregnant during the interview – INITIALLY this confused me. I thought Hannah for some reason could no longer bear children. I saw the scenes of Eve talking about how she couldnt drink coffee and was pregnant, but then I saw scenes of Hannah drinking coffee…

BUT THEN I found a clip I had not seen, in which Hannah says her husband is dead, but that he will live on in his baby, she then pauses and with emphasis states OUR baby.

I thought that “Hannah” was infertile but in ClipD155-A – she says “Simon is dead, but the baby, that is how he will live on… Our baby”


AND a scene in which EVE claims to be pregnant.


This leads me to believe they are one person with multiple personalities.

SOOO My final verdict is They are One person who’s name is Eve, who really did have a fucked up childhood of neglect and abuse, and created her “sister” as a way to cope with and escape from all of the trauma.

I feel quite satisfied having arrived at my conclusion. But I urge you to play the game for yourself and form your own conclusions 🙂

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